(-(-_(-_-)_-)-) Why I am here:

I have no idea where this post is going to go, which rabbit holes we may visit along the way.

Recently a friend of mine stopped in as she was passing through, had been awhile. We met in Afghanistan in 2012, I was a civilian and she was a LTC - I reported to her with regards to my contract, she owned it and me for the most part. I had been in Iraq for 7 consecutive years prior to jumping into Afghanistan, and quickly fell into the work. Over time the relationship of Civilian and Green Suiter grew, and she became a mentor to me on more than I ever realized. Later our relationship became this friendship I can't begin to effectively communicate with words, it was so much more, and different, it was like family and not. Our relationship developed in a war zone over a 3-year period. In those three years, multiple lifetimes could have coexisted - the intensity of an active theatre, chaos and insanity. The bonds that form or forge there, they're unbreakable.

Eventually there was a drawn down, a RIP and transition. The day before the wake up finally passed, we turned the lights out for the last time on our way out and handed the keys to the incoming host country Ministry - and we flew home for repatriation. I could have said all of that in many fewer words and sentences, the details though, they are so important.

Anyway, was great to see her and as she was leaving, we hugged goodbye - and at that moment, everything for me, became silent and I apparently couldn't let go of hugging her. I didn't know or realize it either. And bless her, for a full 5 minutes, she didn't interrupt or break away, I had no idea I was trying to tell her something I didn't even consciously realize for myself at the time. I snapped out of it, and she sat me down and asked me what was going on with me. And when she got tired of my bullshit, she laid it out for me in a way and with words that felt like knives tearing through my body. Directly in my face so I had to listen and look her in the eye - Had it been anyone else other than her in that moment, telling me what I didn't want to hear or believe, I wouldn't have listened to another word. I'm a guy, I'm invincible, right?

I don't share these pages of my life, really ever, they're memories I don't dare mess with very often. I only shared this because what you're doing is really important in different ways to different people - and there are people out there who don't even know it is there for them. It is important to me, and I am grateful.

What I had been doing, was slowly disconnecting every day for over 10 years, from my environment, from myself, from the things I didn't have time to process at that moment because I had a job to do, everything, everything, everything. To hear someone, you admire and respect drill into you that you failed yourself by not doing the work you were supposed to as soon as you got home - to reconnect, with myself, my family, my friends, loved ones, my community, my world and my life again - and instead continued disconnecting and hiding behind work, massive amounts of work that could never get done.

It is so much easier to exist when you are disconnected, have positive control your emotions, compartmentalize everything because then, then you're numb and nothing and no one can hurt you. In that hug, my very basic human core requirement for connection and human touch, kept me from letting her go. It was a lot like my soul was starving to death.

She told me about this 'cuddle' thing and I thought she was kidding me to be honest. Turns out, it's a thing yeah and it works in so many different ways. So, I took her advice, signed up here and I'm waiting on a booking to be approved.

I would love to get to a point one day where cuddling is something I can enjoy as a human being to recharge and give my soul a break - and just maybe, reciprocate for someone else. Right now, I have to work on forming those connections again and again, letting them just.... happen normally and not prevent them - to not have to focus on 'allowing' it to happen. You start disconnecting in that environment because the person you're talking to at any given time, has better odds of dying a horrible death in the next hour than you have of getting to know them better. Don't make friends, don't get attached, and you will never lose them - it is sad but effective.

I will never be the guy that left in 2004 again, he isn't coming back, some pieces stayed there and fell along the way for a reason. Having her spit hit me in the face as she expressed her disappointment in me. Forcing me to accept personal responsibility to at least have tried and failed than take the easy way out, I chose to remain as I was instead of being being true to myself. No matter how dark, you do what you have to do and you do the goddamn work you were suppose to. Only then did I start to see what replaced those pieces of I left behind, an improved version to get to know that was finely tuned by uncommon. inhumane and shocking moments of life, my life and history, events that built me up, not tore me down.

I don't know if this will help anyone else, but this is why I am here and from the bottom of my heart - thank you so much.


  • Read every word at 3:30 in the morning. Thank you for sharing. I hope that you have a meaningful and fulfilling experience, with cuddling. 🤗

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • Oh my! This reasonates with me so much and I have so many words, emotions, battles I had to fight and win along with the current ones, extrensic lids forced upon me to shut my intuitions and I'm still partially trained to do. I needed to hear this to re - reconnect myself. I even started a water fast yesterday morning just to better connect myself by clearing my communication channels between me and myself because other people's belief system or the journey they choose to be on is crowding in my path like unwanted weeds, vines with thorns and poisonous plants getting in MY path! I have to do this because the more I'm connected to myself, the more I freakin like myself. Years ago, I thought there was a finality to these changes of myself but there isn't really. Which adds to the art of change ironically. I feel like I'm on change #55!!!! Lol. But thank you for this post🙌🏾💓 It's was I needed to perfectly read.

  • @misterhightopp

    It sounds like you have experienced a lot in your life, thank you for your work and service first and foremost , as well as sharing your story. Emotional support and physical contact/therapy is food for the soul. We all need it and when we deprive ourselves of it or have a lack of access to human-human contact it can do a lot of damage to an individual, just because the damage isn’t seen by the naked eye doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

    Your life journey/experience so far sounds like you understand how much simply cuddling and platonic touch is valuable to people even when they don’t know or see how much they need it. How a small action or gesture can inhibit a mass amount of pain/damage to an individual, just as access to such a small action or gesture like hugs and cuddling can help an individual who is suffering mentally/emotionally, touch deprived, anxiety ridden, feeling hopeless or depressed etc. begin to cope with and healwith their pain.

    Thanks for sharing your story, I hope that it helps someone on the site going through a hard time to go and get some cuddles ☺️

    ~ Happy Cuddling Everyone 🤗 ~

  • I wish all the benefits of the VA were available to you and the folks like you that also supported and defended our troops in those areas.
    Maybe you could find your local VFW and connect with others with similar experiences, but I'm not sure how it would work with you not being able to be a member.
    My post is my home away from home and the people there are truly my family. Some closer than others, some oddballs and some you really wish weren't related to you, but are anyway lol
    I hope you find the support you need, and if you ever travel this way I'd be happy to have you as a guest at my post.

  • All I can say is if you need another long hug...I'm here

  • Thanks for sharing! Hope you ban find some great cuddling buddies.

  • Hope you have the most wonderful cuddles! 🤗🤗🤗🤗

  • Thank you for your service.
    You've been through a lot and you've done what you had to to stay sane and alive. You are home now. It will take time and work on your part to let down some of your walls and give yourself the opportunity to connect to people and life again.
    I wish you the best and hope you find the support and healing touch you need. If you're ever in the area and need a hug, I can give you one. 🫂

  • Holy cow, really appreciate all of you! Grateful for the time you all took to both read and reply, means a lot - and I am so sorry for the delay in saying that, I really wish I had checked sooner. Ya'all the best! I'm still new and tryijng to fogure this all out, I hope I am not out of line sending a FR.

  • What a heartfelt, beautiful post. Thank you for sharing this piece of yourself. 💜

  • Reading your post reminded me so much of my dad who served two tours in Vietnam and had extreme PTSD. He sought help and improved but he never fully came back. In a weird way his PTSD brought us closer together even though his suicidal thoughts and urges brought terror to me.

    Thank you for sharing your truth @misterhightopp.

  • I can’t say that war isn’t a massive source of disconnect. Like waves crashing against sand & beaten earth and the violent turbulence if caught in its embrace versus diving into it before it has the chance to crash down on you. Getting caught in that kind of chaos is something I don’t think anyone would wish on another. But sadly, there’s people that have devised that anarchy behind closed doors, not just through your eyes, alien as it might seem to such an environment, but to innocent eyes too who may have once called it home. And of course to all the fallen who reside there now. A witness all the same.

    I appreciate your vivid honesty about that disconnect. I’m sure living on the other side of it isn’t an easy feat. The fissure created could be as vast as an ocean or as small as the weight of a drop of water yet swimming back in any way could be like that of a rip current pulling you further away despite your efforts.

    What’s done is done and can’t be changed. Such words etched deep into lines of sorrow. What of the disconnect between? Is there a way to resolve something already buried? It’s not like you can bring any of it to life again. To press a button to redo that which is gone. So, I don’t know.

    It’s something about time and forgiveness I think.

    I appreciate the honesty though. Hope you get the hugs you need.

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