Mentoring Request: Has Anyone Here Ever Self-Published a Book?

[Deleted User]Umoja (deleted user)

If so, would you be willing to discuss the process with me? It doesn't matter whether you sold a gazillion copies, or not, just that you completed the self-publishing process.... and are willing to discuss how you did it and what inspired you...

I've done quite a bit of online research, but found a lot of it disjointed and dry. It's often nicer to "walk through something" with a buddy along!

Any self-published writers care to share your story?


  • edited August 2023

    Chapter 2: A Guide to Teaching and Mentoring our Youth.

    Here is the link to my book on Amazon.

    It was realatively easy to self publish through Amazon Kindle direct publishing. What questions do you have apart from hiring a professional proofreader, and citing sources are two big ones.

    I recommend whatever you are going to publish make sure it can be platformed digitally like Kindle or a audible book. The hardcopy era is pretty much over. Know your audience because everything is Niche market now.

  • [Deleted User]Umoja (deleted user)

    Thank you! I'm heading over to read that!!! :)

    @solo80~ I understand and accept your point about making sure to publish in a format that is digital and downloadable. Excellent, timely insight into the business.. Would you be willing to discuss your actual process? I'll respect your decision, either way. :)

    I've decided to purchase my own set of 10 ISBNs, because I want to retain the rights to my intellectual properties. Share thoughts?

    Three of the books I want to publish are fiction. The other is a rhyming alphabet book for children. I'm an artist, so I can illustrate them myself. Anyone work with these genres?

    I've also considered chronicling my adventures in the world of trucking. Oh, the stories that beg to be told there!!! lol Any writers who could give tips on character development, story arcs, and "world building"?

    Again, @solo80 ~ please message me if you're willing to answer a few more questions... And thank you for answering! :)

  • @Umoja Inexperienced dispatchers who seem oblivious to road conditions, routes, and weather. Managers who are sticklers for HOS/DOT rules, but sure do wink & nod a lot when nobody's looking. The endless advertisments enticing motorists with a multi-million dollar payout for "accidents" with a CMV. Those ill-timed resets that occur away from home. Hurry up and wait customer attitudes. Newbies and Sure, We're Insured For That. The very unglamorous truck stop lifestyle. And, ugh, HazMat. Etc, etc, etc....

    You mean those adventures in the world of trucking?

  • [Deleted User]Umoja (deleted user)

    @TxTom ~ I think I just developed HIVES upon reading that!!! lololol!!! YES, SOME OF THOSE!!! Like the time I was stuck in Colorado, on Thanksgiving, and the cashier came to "just sit and talk" with me because I was bummed about being away from home? Yeah, some of that! :) I'd have to include, though, some of the times that my faith in humanity was TOTALLY RESTORED, by the kindness of rough-edged, quiet men who'd come help me, not say much, and go on their way. Like burly angels with hearts as great as the expanses they drove through. I was grateful...and still am grateful for these memories..

    @solo80 advised me to research self-publishing on the Youtube. I'm definitely following that solid advice!

    I honestly feel that EACH AND EVERY PERSON has, within, a story that others would benefit from reading, if only we decided to share them. I'd like to share some of mine! :)

  • I self-published a book called Nature-Inspired Gratitude Journal for Kids. Amazon's KDP program made it incredibly simple! Have you looked into that software yet?

  • [Deleted User]Umoja (deleted user)

    @justjennn ~ What a beautiful, NEEDED concept!!! Now, you KNOW I'ma have to go check out your book!!! I've got grandbabies whom I've introduced to the peace and healing of Nature! Thank you for caring for our young ones! :)

    Scribbling furiously, "Amazon's KDP Program". Got it! Thank you! :) Little Leaf and Tiny Turtle, the young protagonists of two of my hopeful books, thank you, too!


  • Seconding @justjennn. Amazon KDP makes self-pub a snap for paperback or digital!

  • @Umoja my business partner at the time did all of the illustrations and design work within the KDP program but she remarked that it was so incredibly easy. You can totally do this. It will be so simple for you to get a grasp of after a few YouTube videos. @chocobunny have you self-published with them?! What's your title?

  • [Deleted User]ivacm (deleted user)

    I self published a poetry book with Xlibris. They give you full creative control of how you want to design the book- the cover, how you want your words to appear, they sell the book on Amazon. They provide free copies. They're very user friendly.

  • Very cool idea. And you can add “published author” to your list of achievements!

  • [Deleted User]Umoja (deleted user)

    With the almost limitless pool of talent that's gathered, here, I like to come and toss out requests... IT NEVER FAILS that some helpful folks chime in! I LOVE IT HERE! lol :)

    I'm checking these out. Got the illustrations done on one of the books, but haven't settled into a uniquely identifiable "style," yet.

    Thanks for all of your suggestions! Wish me luck!

  • If you want feedback and constructive criticism use

    There have been some writers who scored publishing deals off that site.

  • I have published 3 works of fiction through Amazon KDP. It is crazy easy to do. That said I made a few mistakes...
    1. I did not hire an editor. Go on the app/website Fiverr and hire someone to edit your book.
    2. Getting the formatting just right takes time and patience. What I mean by that is the title page, table of contents, page numbers, margins, chapter titles, etc. While you're on Fiverr getting an editor, find someone to format your book. I just had a 350 page paperback formatted properly including all of the above for $50.
    3. Covers sell books. Period. My first novel got to #2 in Apocalyptic Fiction for Kindle and I often wonder how well it could've done if I hadn't done the cover myself. While you're looking on Fiverr for the other two people (who could be one person doing both!!!), get someone to do a cover. Probably around $200 + and worth it!

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