Animal Hair

Hi Cuddle world. Just wanted to put out some advice for pros from client perspective regarding pets. This is a reoccuring issue I have experienced with cuddling pros from various sites over time.

Animal hair. Animal hair. Animal hair.

I know many love pets, but if you are a pro that hosts, please be aware of animal hair in your room and on the bed/cuddle space. While you may love your pet, clients may not want to have to take the tedious task of picking animal hair from their clothes and hair after seeing you. Especially socks! Lol.

You would think this wouldn't need to be said, but I have come across many pros that just don't seem to think about it for whatever reason. I don't need to be furry also.......just saying. 😅🤣😂


  • edited September 2023

    It's a little chilly, so I've put an extra dog on your bed

    Cartoon by Sprod, published many years ago in the sadly defunct Punch magazine. Thankfully the cartoons survive.

  • I would find it wise as a Host (Pro or enthusiast) to specify in your profile if you have pets, and especially if you allow them in your cuddle space...and for a Guest, to clarify upon agreeing to meet, if pets are in the cuddle space, if you have allergies, aversions, etc.

    Just another reason to love Public get to see everyone's cute dogs in the park, from my clean blanket and freshly-washed pillowcase, and there's no fur to be seen - just beautiful, sun-dappled leaves, above! 🌳

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @newfoundhugs I could not agree more. There are so many cuddlers that come over and they have hair on their clothes and they smell of dander. Just assures that the session will get off on a bad note and will be a distraction the whole time.

  • It is hard to believe this needs to be said ... yuck.

  • I have only been on here a month and I ask everyone immediately if they are allergic to pets. It just seemed like common courtesy to me 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • edited September 2023

    Out of curiousity, for pros that have an affectionate dog or cat. How much would you charge to drop off your pet for a couple of hours?
    I have heard of kitty cafe's... what about rent-a-pup?

  • Can’t you just read their profile to see if they have pets?

  • Can’t you just read their profile to see if they have pets?

    If they put it in the bio and they are hosting. I have only gone to someone’s place maybe three times out of over a few hundred cuddles. But I have run into the ones that come to me drenched in pet smell, hair and dander. So they don’t list it on their bio because they do not host.

    Either way it’s not ideal.

  • @BoomerSpooner I dogsat for a friend for a week and she rode around in my car often. Went to dinner with a friend over the weekend and when he got in, he said, "your car smells like dog." He was right, I had already become acclimated to the smell of dog. He wasn't trying to offend me, but it was a fact. Detailed my car the next morning, plus a good scrub of my house (even though I don't host there.)

  • edited September 2023

    @AllAboutSoul Yes, but you did something about it. I get it. I have two dogs and three when I am on the road and my son stays at my house. But I deep clean a lot. I do have the advantage of traveling frequently and coming home with a fresh new smell perspective.

  • @1_teddybear I would never drop my dog off with strangers. If he were people-friendly enough, I'd totally include him in my cuddles, if desired, though. But sadly, he's a rescue with who knows what trauma behind him, and is fear-aggressive. We're working on it. 🥺

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • Hmmm it's probably good I don't host.
    A house with 3 cats and a dog must smell to anyone who doesn't live in it.

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