It’s getting cold in Denver

Hello everyone. As it cools down here in Denver it’s becoming perfect cuddle weather! It’s a great time of year to cuddle, chat and watch the weather outside cool down and the comfort and relaxation inside go up. I love cuddling in cold weather better than in the heat. I want to share a few tips I have and I want to hear tips you have for cold weather cuddles.

  1. No wet shoes!!!! A pair of comfy shoes in a backpack to change into or barefoot if the situation allows once inside is a great start.

  2. Dress in layers. It may be cold outside but the inside temp could be scorching. A tee shirt under a long sleeve shirt under a hoodie gives you lots of options.

  3. Lotion lotion lotion. As the weather cools off skin gets dry. Winter skin can be flakey and unbecoming. The dry winter air draws a lot of moisture out of our skin. Make sure to moisturize as the temps go down.

What are some of your best tips?

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