A.I. a Substitute for Real Relationships?



  • I have recently started making AI models and know a few people that have models on these premium sites. Some even make great money.

  • @SonarEcho i think as others have said earlier in this thread, many men do not have an option between a woman and an AI.

    For many it’s an AI or nothing.

    Between my work and being a single parent at weekends my romantic options are poor due to simple lack of time and not willing to sacrifice time with my kids to play ‘creep or cute’ roulette with women in the wild. Most of the attention I get on dating apps are from women who I strongly suspect are looking for someone to rescue them rather than being actually attracted or interested in me.

    I haven’t found AI to be particularly good at alleviating loneliness but I can see its potential.

  • @JET2024 - Use the computer to build some skills such as learning to code. Chatting with A.I. software that only tells you what you want to hear isn't helpful.

  • many men do not have an option between a woman and an AI.

    I think looking at it as options is the mistake. Look at the woman as a person and just talk to her person to person without an agenda and you will figure out how you feel about each other. There could be nothing there, maybe romance blooms, maybe you gain a friend, and maybe even a frenemy from investing in communication. If you look at woman versus AI then of course AI is the path of least resistance but it will never be love because no real emotional groundwork was laid.

  • @JET2024
    Im not suggesting anyone follow my path. This is my contribution to the conversation only. Im not looking for validation of my approach on how I interact with women. What I am saying is there is no comparison to the connectivity with a living flesh and blood real woman. The growth of the depth of who I am today is the result of the depth of the women who opened up and allowed me to connect on a deeper level with them. Where are these women? I encountered these women on this site.

  • AIs and robots...not a relationship.

  • Wouldn't work for me, at least with the state of technology. Maybe some far future thing were the machines are self-aware, etc. etc. and I was brought up since childhood with the idea of having robots and AI be my friends. Sort of like some of the societies Isaac Asimov wrote about in his books and stories.

  • If AI models had a silent mode I’d consider it.

  • A.I. does not behave anywhere close to a real human if I can tell it to shut the f*** up and it just does it.

  • I can tell it to shut the f*** up

    @Mike403 If you want it to learn manners then you need to drop the brusque approach. The correct way to model manners is to say “Please shut the f**k up.”

  • [Deleted User]01001000P (deleted user)
    edited March 18

    If the ai became self aware (agi/strong ai) then [f…] yea

    Reported and reviewed. Censoring a word. [CharlieBear]

  • This thread reminds me of the movie Her. An AI model that is intelligent enough (like Samantha) thatvcan truly connect with humans I am afraid will loose interest in us soon.....

    We romanticize and sexualize our needs. Perhaps an influence by all the stories all around us. If we can connect without romantic/sexual element, there are more options all around.

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