Every client is different! Trust but verify!

Was with a pro the other day and she made the assertion that she saw every client as identical in terms of trust etc.   
I was surprised at this because every other pro I've been with has said the opposite.  
I'll give an example.  There was a pro I saw some months ago who would always wear a long sleeve turtleneck sweater to sessions with new clients.  It wasn't til she determined that this client was trustworthy and wasn't going to do anything sexual that she would suddenly take it off and just wear her tank top instead.   
I remember asking her at the time if she had always worn that sweater and she said yes and this was the first time she felt ok with taking it off for anyone.  I was only her 3rd client so I didn't feel all that special lol  but the point is she had thought of a cool way of protecting herself from clients she didn't trust/know well enough yet.  
Trust is something you have to earn, but it definitely isn't the same for every client.  So if you're a new pro and your first few clients turn out to be very trustworthy..don't just assume the next one will also be the same...I suggest always starting with a conservative untrusted stance and let them earn it. 

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