Dating long distance

edited October 2023 in General

If you were dating long distance for a few months and he or she ask you to move in with them what would you say ?

Gave topic a descriptive title - Mark


  • edited October 2023

    Eek. I see red flags of over attachment without established connection everywhere. People simply can’t be themselves around one another for long enough to truly understand each other in such a short amount of time. Don’t do anything permanent or semi permanent too soon.

  • I am just helping a friend out. Hes confused about what to do. So i thought i would ask people on here.

  • edited October 2023

    Dude do not asking dating advice from anyone on this site. This site mainly has deeply unhealthy and unhinged individuals. A guy from here just threatened to doxx me last week.

    Find healthier sources to ask relationship advice from is the first step.

    Placed in a forum timeout. Your posts are inviting too many reports but specifically, it's completely unacceptable to describe the majority of this community as being unhinged. - Mark

  • Yeah, you'll get better advice asking ChatGPT.

  • Unfortunately my dear friend @bobadevotee is extremely right about locating better sources for dating advice, but you can tell your friend to visit this partner in person for a week or so to get a more realistic feel for the relationship before making any decisions or commitment to moving. I do wish you and your friend the best of luck πŸ€ though !!!

    ~ Happy Cuddling Everyone πŸ€— ~

  • edited October 2023

    I'd tell them it's a bad idea this soon. If the feelings are there after a few months, a few months more of separation and discussing it shouldn't hurt that. But i wouldn't recommend it so fast. But people do it all the time, sometimes it works. I always think of what your loosing of it doesn't. What independence you'd give up for a period of time. But regret is only in hind sight.

  • On another note, i asked a girlfriend to move in with me after a few months of dating across state and we had a great relationship for a few years. When it ended it hurt but im glad i had the experience.

  • Standing in the shower thinking About what makes a man An outlaw or a leader I'm thinking about power... The ways a man could use it Or be destroyed by it The water hits my neck And I'm pissing on myself...

  • edited October 2023

    @Canadiancowboy Yeah....I tell my teenagers give it about a year. But the least they should give it is 6 months of regular in-person dating.

    It's definitely an exciting and romantic idea to move that quickly...and fun for your brain to swim in those love chemicals it produces in a new relationship!! πŸ’“

    Maybe one way you could help them is to ask them to think about some previous relationships and compare how things felt in the beginning (SO intense and amazing), versus after a few months of regularly being together in person (probably just more normal and the rose colored glasses are gone).

    We all tend to forget reality when something super romantic like that happens since our brains get drowned in those euphoric "love" chemicals. But it can help to think about past experiences in order to help us remember to think more realistically. Not that the euphoria part is bad....just not realistic LOL πŸ˜‚

    And yes!! @bobadevotee 🀣
    Also I'm sorry about what happened! That's absolutely not ok!! 😬

  • @SouthernDoll thankhes going up there for a month to see how it feels

  • The problem that comes up with long distance relationships is that they extend the honeymoon period. Every relationship and individual is different, so really only the people involved can answer the question, but if it's only been a few months I'd wonder if they're letting New Relationship Energy (NRE) dictate long term decisions.

    • Have they had discussions about compatibility for living together? Things like division of finances and chores, long term goals, expectations as far as entanglement?
    • Are they moving in because one of them feels pressured due to life circumstances? Will there be a power imbalance? If so, how will they address it?
    • How do they plan to handle conflicts which will inevitably come up? What will happen if they decide to end the relationship, but they are locked into a lease or other financial or legal contract?
    • Have they discussed autonomy needs? Will they each have their own space and time to avoid codependency?
    • Have they been able to meet the people in each other's lives yet? If so, what do those people think since they are likely to be better objective judges of character and compatibility? If not, why not?
    • Why the "rush"? Why now, vs 6 months from now? Why not have one partner move to the other's city but each maintain their own household first?

    Just some things to discuss and ponder, from someone who has done long distance relationships multiple times and found out some pitfalls the hard way πŸ˜…

  • That really depends and I think more context is needed. First of all, we need to establish what exactly that "few months" is, are we talking 2 to 3 months or like 6+ months and also what's the distance? What stage of life are you in, how ready and interested are you to move?

    There are so many other factors to also consider:

    How comfortable are you with the person, and how healthy has your relationship been? Are you interested in living their location and have you done your research on it?

    Did you work through and settled any major or ongoing issues you were having with each other prior to considering the move? Because closing the gap doesn't solve issues unless it directly was about the distance itself.

    How long have you known each other both romantically and otherwise? How often have you met and what was the duration spent together?

    Do you've a support system that know you both, did you do your due diligence with running a background check on them, their momma, their dadda, the cat, and the dog too? Heck I'd probably run it on their great great grandparents too to make sure they weren't running the world's biggest catnip import/export or something, because sometimes the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree and you need to be aware of what you're getting into. Speaking of them, did you also get to meet them all and know what you're getting into?

    Do you have back up plans, such as a support system in that province/state that you can get to in case things go south or north... or a way you can return back home? Do you've sufficient funds and then some to really support yourself and get your own place if needed?

    I don't think it's that straight forward or black and white to answer it.

  • @cuddlefaery Those are excellent points too!

  • edited October 2023


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