Who likes minimal talking while cuddling ? Or do you like to have conversations when you cuddle.

Do people love to talk while cuddling or sit in silence ? I prefer silence for the most part


  • Minimal is good. I get to know people beforehand. Light convo is fine. Not a huge convo though.

  • I can go either way. Personally I love cuddling while listening to relaxation music. And as an introvert, I don't find silence awkward. But I'm also cool with conversation (although excessive "small talk" can be draining and lead to "what do I say next to fill the silence" fatigue hahaha). I'm the type who likes deep conversations over "how are ya" talk.

  • I've not really had many experiences of cuddling to know my personal preferences much in that regard. Though of the few I did, we both just naturally conversed. In some cases we didn't cuddle, though we just sat and conversed, which too can be cool. I know that I enjoy conversing, especially if we've rapport and I find that we connect well conversationally. Though I think I'd be alright with cuddling with someone who is more on the quiet side too and sometimes it may actually be nice to cuddle in silence. :)

  • In my experience the more awkward you feel, the more you talk to “break the ice” essentially, and the less awkward you feel, the more silent and relaxed you are to just breathe in and accept their presence. The exception happens I think when you’re silent because you genuinely don’t know what else to say, in which case I find the breathing in the space between (yours and theirs) suddenly becomes so magnified lol. It’s like your ears perk up in trying to read their comfort level through how they’re breathing to somehow gauge your own. That is until someone breaks the ice again lol.

  • I'm a talker. just like on the forums. Hold onto your breeches , but I think I'm a good listener too.

  • [Deleted User]Allons_P (deleted user)

    Talking after but less so during

  • Either way works for me, whatever my client prefers. My clients who tend to be very shy usually prefers to just cuddle in silence with minimal talking. While many of my clients who are suffering from grief or PTSD, they usually find more comfort talking to me while cuddling. They said it's cathartic & healing. Having lots of experience with clients suffering from loss, grief & PTSD, they told me that I'm a great listener & that they feel safe & comforted in my warm embrace 🤗 & they continue to see me on a regular basis.

  • edited October 2023

    Considering that cuddling comes in all different forms and fashions and everybody and every situation is unique and different, I'd say that it really just depends on the situation and the person I'm with as well as the type of cuddling.

  • I very much enjoy the times of silence and just being a comfort to each other, holding each other and not needing words.

    That’s not to say when the energy and vibe is there, it can be fun to talk and share as well. So agreed, it’s unique based on the person and the day!

  • I prefer silence.

  • I like to listen to Depeche Mode and enjoy the silence…

  • It depends on the person and the overall vibe 🤔 Sometimes it's easy to settle into cuddling with very few words, and other times the energy of a sesh flows better with conversation, and the tone and depth of the conversation can also vary. I think the main thing for me is being open to following the energy of what feels best and not forcing either conversation or silence if it doesn't feel right.

  • My preference is probably silence or less small talk. More of an ambivert but find small talk draining especially when trying to relax.

    @KingSportCuddle you've described my ideal cuddle partner!

  • @4cuddles - Woohoo, a person after my own heart. 😌

  • @KingsportCuddle :) and you ate ONLY 3998 miles from me.

  • It’s a matter of what the synergy is between you and your cuddle partner. I’ve had some cuddle partners where just holding/being held while laying down was the most relaxing thing to do with them, and others with whom the most relaxing thing was an activity (movie, show, hike, board game, etc.) Then there are cuddle partners with whom conversations are easy and super comforting, so when I’m feeling that need I might call upon them. Almost all my sessions are with pros, so I usually pick a specific pro depending on the type of session I need most. Those times when I don’t feel a specific need, I might try a new pro and figure out what is the best synergy with them.

  • @Allons_P "Talking after but less so during"

    Interesting. :)

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