
What to know how to get my page more active


  • Hi @Ladyyrayyy11 ! Welcome. I'm not an expert, but I check out some of the more popular pro's pages on the forums and in your local area. Maybe fiddle with your summaries and profile pictures to give off whatever impression you think the clients may want.

    Also , maybe consider conducting some research or take a cuddling certification class so you can list benefits of cuddling or develop a philosophy and protocol for approaching it. Lastly, maybe it just takes time to develop your clientele. Best of luck!

  • Read the sticky topics at the top of this board, starting with the first post in each case.

  • Let's see.....@Minestrone101 makes excellent points, I would follow all those suggestions

    Second, definitely describe more in your profile....what you say will either draw someone in, or discourage them. For example, your final statement " I love cussing because I don't like to be alone" is not something that interests me when I read it. But if that's what you want potential clients to know about you, then by all means continue to display it. You just have to recognize that it may be a rare client who is looking for that.

    Finally, as I research your area, I see that there are many pros offering sessions under $100, and many enthusiasts advertising free sessions. So you may be in a difficult area to gain clientele, especially without karma.

    Good luck!

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