No one responses

Looks like this site is just collecting info. No cuddlers contacted since I posted request.
Not worth it


  • Don't waste ti e requesting cudflers for there service.
    Totally BS site

  • Like most sites, there are lots of men and few women, especially as enthusiasts. Many of them are likely to be swamped

  • @cudd69 While you can post requests to forums, forums aren't the primary way to find a cuddler. The best way to do that is to use the search tool to find a match, then reach out to them directly by sending them a direct message. Good luck!

  • Yeah, it_ seems_like the Website is run by pros, and all the non-pro females are ghosts. Pros are the only ones who respond.

  • @Communer 🙋🏻‍♀️ Female enthusiast, right here. 😊

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    🦄 Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • [Deleted User]01001000P (deleted user)

    @communer there are non pro females, but they never respond, or they respond once, and then totally ghost you. I wouldn't want to really pay money because it doesn't feel right.

  • edited December 2023

    they never respond, or they respond once, and then totally ghost you. @Harry01996

    As @Katota says "no response is a response." Best not to get emotionally invested in expecting a response. Women here are inundated with messages, many of which could very well be hostile or problematic. I have seen many horrid examples of the troglodytes that lurk these chambers which almost made me not consider this community. Don't take it personally, but consider a "no response" a growth opportunity and ask yourself questions like:

    • _how could I have kept this conversation going? _
    • _did I focus too much on myself or my wants? _ This is such a common pitfall for guys, myself included, that you almost assuredly committed it. Try to find how it happened and really empathize with the other person with regards to what she knows about you and how many people are probably messaging her any given day
    • Did I express interest in the other person in a respectful manner?
    • Did I only send a generic message like "sup?" If so, would I respond to such a message if I got hundreds of them from strangers any given day? For me personally, I would consider such a message as spam and move on.
    • etc.

    After answering those questions for yourself, see how you can improve and commit to bettering yourself linguistically. Good communication skills go a long way here :) Heck, I would say go ahead and try a few practice rounds on male cuddlers in your area until you get the hang of it.

    I wouldn't want to really pay money because it doesn't feel right.

    why doesn't it feel right? I view professional cuddlers as a therapeutic service. You would pay your therapist no doubt? Well, a therapist's profession is to help you work through your emotions and give you the mental tools to handle them better so you can get the best of your situation and feelings. Professional cuddlers provide a similar service as they offer a caring and safe environment for you to impart your feelings, but this is more of a brief respite. There really is nothing to be shameful about it.

    On the other hand, enthusiasts are expecting the same level of comfort and care they are giving to you done back to them. Are you ready for that level of emotional and grounded commitment? From my perspective, you are either not able/ready or at least, not communicating properly that you are ready and able to deliver the mutual respect to enter a social contract with an enthusiast. With a professional, your emotional self-indulgences will be obliged because that is the service you are paying for. I'd say just bite the bullet and give it a shot and who knows, it might turn out great and you found yourself a new hobby and outlook on life. :)

  • @Harry01996 I'm a female enthusiast and have a lot of friends through here that I message daily, have regular voice calls with, cuddle every time I'm in town, etc. You have to find the right person, and you have to be the right person, for things to click. Don't give up. 🤗

    @lesmis33 Love your bullet point section. There are an excessive amount of people drawn to this site who only know how to monologue about themselves, and seem to have no concept of how a conversation is supposed to be a mutual give and take. It's an intense turn-off...especially when paired with the expectation that a cuddle is only for their benefit. shudder I have a hard time asking for the things I want, and am working on being more brave about that, as a groomed caregiver...but even I will never schedule a second cuddle with someone who only takes, takes, takes. Thankfully, I've only experienced two cuddles like that. Everyone else has been cyclical with the giving and receiving, and it's been a lovely journey.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    🦄 Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

    🎄 Merry Christmas to my homies! ☃️

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