Help finding this song

so yeah i need a little help finding a song, shazam doesnt know it it may be just a movie song not sure it sounds like its in Italian or French sure would love to know what language if anyone knows or the name of the song or artist would be awesome you can hear the song at the begining of the movie The Demons Child
its free on Tubi


  • If you have an iPhone or iPad while the song is playing, hit Siri and say name that tune

  • I'm pretty sure it's Italian, since this movie was Italian originally—but I can't make out the lyrics. The upbeat whistling seems like it ought to be pretty distinctive, and yet! It starts right away, too: a mere 10 seconds into the video below.

    Now I'm curious too. Why is there no track listing for this movie? That would be very helpful.

  • At the end I hear either “I buried Paul” or “cranberry sauce,” I’m not sure which.

  • the song plays a little longer and more clear at the 34:00 minute

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