New Yours Resolutions

That's right you read that right.

New YOURS Resolution not New Year. My new year Resolutions have either failed or spark temporary motivation but lack a system to stay consistent.

So this time I decided on a daily Resolution call NEW YOURS RESOLUTION. Where you focus on your identity and who you want to become. Change YOUR attitude Change YOUR habits.


is to Focus on who I want to become and making better decisions and form better habits in time this will increase my insight and wisdom. Expand my bubble reality the more I know the more I can achieve my goals.

If I expand my self awareness. I'm no longer just looking at an image THROUGH the telescope I can observe behavior of myself outside of the person looking through the telescope and can be more observant about my actions I take daily in life. Inscreased Knowledge will be my new pursuit

Machines can break and medicine can run out but when you have knowledge you can repair a machine or make more medicine. Knowledge never goes bad

I do not have a monopoly on truth its best to learn from others. I want to Become self reliant but also self aware of when to seek and access knowledge and Learn from others when my skillset is lacking

    1. Find YOUR companion to share life with
    2. Start YOUR business you been putting off
    3. Write YOUR book and or read more to acquire knowledge in general
    4. Forgive YOUR loved ones or friends that hurt you
    5. Focus on YOUR mental and physical health


  • edited December 2023

    I will stop being treated like an option. I no longer have tolerance for fair weather friends who put in minimal effort and only have a passive interest in keeping a connection going. People who expect me to do 90 percent of the work and make all the concessions for the privilege to call them friend are indeed not friends. If I am a 3rd, 4th, 5th choice for you and so on and so forth then that is fine we aren't all going to be besties But I will match the effort that is put in by you , and not go the extra mile just to be disappointed. There are too many people who love and care for me to go chasing after people who will let me down. I need to protect my peace and not waste emotional labor on those who just don't seem bothered enough to care.

  • @pmvines I like what you posted there. for many years I’ve been so disappointed by people that I’ve come to accept disappointment as the norm. people are so busy and they make you feel like you’re not important but they always have time for the people that are important to them, or that can benefit them in someway no matter how busy they are.

  • On that note, I will keep working on expecting nothing from anyone - to prevent hurtful disappointment. I will always be a giver but I need to be more realistic and accepting of the results.
    And… focus on proactivity and productivity,

  • I feel the passion in those new year resolution. No wonder over 80 percent of us picked working on our mental and physical health. Those sound like excellent resolutions to improve mental and physical health. That brings me to my resolution.......... I wish I could feel the passion. I believe my new years resolution is to get the passion for life back. To live more in my moment and see the beauty and adventure in each one with the people I am with. <3

  • GD. I need to find a link to the video I was watching. It fits. This is my forum sticky note to remember to find it. She did a great job with self progress in the video.

  • Well said @pmvines ccompletely agree. I plan on putting in effort on my part too. Focus on physical and mental health with a slew of books to expand my knowledge us my plan this year and this fast approaching next year.

  • I wish polls like this could allow for multiple selections. For me, 1, 3, and 5.

  • Oh I love this!

    This year I will work on being more intentional…

    With my friendships.
    Or making the time for the things that bring me joy.
    With cooking.
    With my decisions.
    With life.

    And it can go on forever.

  • Why wait until a new year to start an resolution?

  • Why wait until a new year to start a resolution?

    Truth. There was a study a few years back that found the reason most New Year’s resolutions fail is the date is an artificial starting point and the resolutions are made out of tradition or obligation. In other words, the resolutions were made because people felt they needed to rather than wanting to affect real change. Wanting to do it comes from within and tends to provide the extra oomph to achieve when confronted with procrastination, doubt, or adversity.

  • @TxTom in school I just filled in all the bubbles. Its more fun and the only one who gets a grade is the teacher who (in this case) made me write lines as a 6 year old for not wearing the proper shoes on PE day and I'm gonna point out that I didn't pick my shoes. My mom did. Sorry, to trama dump. lol.

  • @stormydaycuddle Everyone got mad at me once because I got full credit for being properly dressed for gym and doing the bare minimum in floor hockey, while a classmate got a zero that day for forgetting gym clothes and gave it his all in jeans.

    I heard if you leave the bubbles all blank, the machine glitches and gives you a perfect score.

  • @pmvines
    You are not expendable.

  • On a micro scale -- I'm going to learn to play pickleball in 2024. :)

    On a macro scale -- I'm going to force myself out of my comfort zone a bit and immerse myself in social situations (like a pickleball league!) where I have a chance to meet more people, make more friends. My default status is just to stay at home by myself (or occasionally socialize with co-workers) but I'm going to try and do more this year.

    And if I meet a romantic partner or two out of those efforts, great. But that's not the main point.

  • edited December 2023

    @WiserGuy3000 good,well done. But don't "try": "try" usually means "fail".

    I'll try and get it back to you by Thursday = I won't.

    So don't "try". Decide to succeed.

    I've decided to join a pickleball league and enjoy it for at least one whole season. I'm going to talk to the folks there, go to any social events that come my way, and generally join in. It's true that I'm not yet amazingly brilliant at doing these things, so I could do with the practice. If it all goes well, next season I might even get involved with the organising. If it goes badly, well then I'll just try something else, no problem.

  • But don't "try": "try" usually means "fail"... So don't "try". Decide to succeed.

    There is such an applicable and obvious Yoda quote for this, I'm not even gonna bother with it.

  • edited December 2023

    I am beginning a new stage of life. I feel some grief for everything I’ve lost. But, I also feel excitement for everything that will come to fill the space. I have complete agency to determine my future path. I will no longer be a stationary pillar holding up my universe like Atlas. Instead I will become a wandering wizard carrying my power (and responsibilities) with me wherever I go.

  • I would say 3 and 5. Maybe part of 5 is to volunteer and dance more. :3

  • edited December 2023

    I am going to continue to focus on my mental and physical health. I got the ball rolling this year and next year I want to continue improvement and solidify maintaining systems in my life.

    Oh, and also less time on the computer and social media. It is so easy to get sucked into the digital world that I sometimes miss the real world out there. The real world has less pizzazz than the digital world and definitely a lower production value, but there is a certain charm to its gritty and imperfect nature.

  • but there is a certain charm to its gritty and imperfect nature.

    Yes, because it’s more human. Human energy in and human energy out. And it will always be gritty and imperfect.

  • edited December 2023

    Yes, because it’s more human. Human energy in and human energy out. And it will always be gritty and imperfect.

    oh, most definitely! There is a lack of human connection when interfacing with people remotely, but I was also alluding to the whole "instagram reality" we are seeing more and more. I have ran into people out in the wild who have misconstrued the embellishments of online living as a common trait whether it be physical aspects or how anyone can gallivant around the world with limited care or worry. In the digital world, it is so easy to find new people there is little incentive to tolerate the imperfections. Standards grow higher to reach unrealistic and unreciprocated levels. If every play has to be Broadway, then you will never enjoy the local community theater. It a slightly dehumanizing process I have found.

  • No resolutions for me. Just keep living. Finish up a project I’m working on, and get a side job, or more hours at my current job. Continue in school also, once project is finished. That’s enough to do for me. :) And cuddle more. :)

  • I am going to be sure that those I care about know they are important to me . I am not always good at keeping in touch and reminding people of how much they mean to me . I need to be better about doing that.

  • I've never made a New Year's resolution, but I do outline specific goals I want to accomplish, each year...most practical, some fun.

    I haven't officially made my list for 2024 yet, but here are a few from the notes I've jotted down, thus far...

    📸 Organize my digital pictures (we're talking thousands upon thousands, as a photography enthusiast... 😬)
    🎶 Take "free singing lessons" on YouTube
    🐕 Get pet insurance for our dog before he hits the next age bracket
    📝 Write a will & officially file it with a lawyer
    🪙 Invest

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    🦄 Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

    🎄 Merry Christmas to my homies! ☃️

  • edited December 2023

    @pmvines 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿Yasss!!! I love and respect everything you wrote in the post. I support what you've said so much that I had to read it outloud to put a voice to the words into the atmosphere. Thanks for your bravery to be honest and open especially about saving your peace so kudos. My resolution is to take ownership and exercise authority of my own person to preserve my growth as an flawed but functioning adult.

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