Added my first original single to my profile

Just posted the link to my profile. The link is to the spotify track, but it's either on or will be on every major streaming platform within a week. I'm super stoked and just wanted to share. It's been a very difficult time lately, and this is such a silver lining. Love yall


  • That was really really nice. I love how, which is rare, how this song is from a good place in the heart: accepting the experience, realize it has mold us at point and more impressively FORGIVE.
    Thank you for being art back into lyrics. This was simply beautiful🥰

  • Thank you so much, @EarthaR. I really appreciate that :)

  • Congratulations getting this out there. It's always nice to accomplish a goal. I could only hear first 30 seconds but the guitar and your voice were soothing.

  • Awe, thank you for the compliments @SungSherBear :)

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