International Women’s Day Today

March 8th. This year’s theme is inspire inclusion. Think about how you can have an inclusive mindset and foster more inclusion for women in your sphere of influence.

Wearing the colors purple, green and white today shows your support.

Here’s some ideas of what you can do to support women, courtesy of Bing:

Raise Awareness: Educate yourself and others about the importance of women’s inclusion and the benefits it brings to society.

Challenge Stereotypes: Call out and challenge gender stereotypes and biases that hinder women’s progress.

Support Women’s Economic Empowerment: Advocate for equal pay, opportunities for career advancement, and women’s entrepreneurship.

Promote Education and Training: Ensure women and girls have access to quality education and training to build their skills and confidence.

Encourage Female Leadership: Support women and girls in leadership roles and decision-making positions in all fields of endeavor.

Create Inclusive Environments: Design workplaces and communities that are inclusive and respectful of women’s diverse experiences and backgrounds.

Celebrate Achievements: Recognize and celebrate the achievements of women in various industries and walks of life.

Participate in Events: Join events, workshops, and campaigns that focus on women’s rights and inclusion.

Advocate for Policy Changes: Work towards policy changes that support gender equality and women’s rights.

Support Women in STEM: Encourage and support the participation of women and girls in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.


  • Great post, I concure a Wish ALL Lovely Ladies out there a Fabulous Friday!!!

  • And since we are discussing inclusion, please remember that not all women will fit your definition of womanhood/femininity. Our experiences are as varied and dynamic as men's, and you cannot apply your definition of woman to dictate who is and is not one.

    (Note for clarification: general "you", not OP or anyone else in particular.)

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