What are some of the nerdy things that you're into?

I just realized that its that time of the year again when the Renaissance Faire comes back to SoCal.

Im a big fan of the fantasy/adventure stuff like this, or DnD, so im pretty excited. Going to try to take my sister, niece, and nephew this year since they've never gone.

I told myself last year that I would make a costume for this year, but its already going to be that time, and i have neither the time nor energy to try making that happen at this point.

So naturally im now curious, what are the things that start bringing out the nerdy side of yall?



  • No offense, but Ewoks were the worst thing that happened to Star Wars (1-6).

    The nerdiest thing I ever did was get into an argument over this topic in high school.

  • Debates about human physiology and is relation to a common cold - haha !

  • I guess for me "nerdy" means something else. My hands get cold in winter before anything else. I like to go on winter walks but even the thickest gloves eventually leave my hands feeling like ice cycles. So I got some carbon heating element rope and batteries and made some heated gloves. Problem solved, unless my walk takes longer than the battery lasts.

  • @TxTom first off, lol... I dont necessarily disagree. However, let me put forth this argument: they're cute af. But also, that reminds me of all the pointless stuff that my friend group would argue and debate about in high school.

    @s_huggg sounds interesting. Im always wanting to learn more. Educate me please 🙏

    @1_teddybear i honestly never really thought about heated gloves. I absolutely LOVE cold weather, and living in SoCal i never have to really worry about ever being truly cold. That being said, ill wear a t-shirt and jeans until it starts to hit the 40s or so. At most i think about those little heating packs when people want to warm their hands, but gloves where you can just put in and replace batteries and they heat up actually sound pretty cool. I'd be interested in seeing them if you got some pictures.

  • edited March 20

    I find it very satisfying to watch you tube vids of pedos being caught and road rage instantly karma

  • @EwokBabies I would send you a pic, but your account is muted.

  • I play world of Warcraft.

    I'm a book nerd. I love books-good books. I'm sick of formulaic almost-YA fantasy/horror etc, but love literally fiction, crime fiction, horror, comedy, memoir.

    I'm an activist nerd. I can talk to you about the injustices I see in the world all day long (don't say I didn't warn you 🤣)

  • Also Ewoks are bad but nowhere NEAR the worst thing to happen to SW

  • I'm more of a Gamer + obscure hard rock/synth band nerd than anything else. And the Punisher to some extent.

    P.S. Throwing my opinion in, Ewoks aren't terrible...but don't get me started on Jar Jar.

  • edited March 20

    @DaveFromSussex How wude! Mesa wuv Jar-Jar Binks! 🤣

    I'm into video games (consoles and PC...RPG and puzzle genres the most), board games, card games, tabletop rpgs (D&D, BESM, Final Fantasy, Cthullu, etc) Anime, manga, reading (fantasy, sifi, romance), Ren Faires...

  • I will be more specific on the worst things about Star Wars:
    1. Episodes 7, 8, 9
    2. Luke and Leia french kissing
    2. Jar Jar Binks
    3. Ewoks
    4. Vader screaming "Noooooooo!"

    The best things about Star Wars:
    1. Star Destroyers (I want one)
    2. AT-AT (I want one)
    3. Pod racing
    4. John Williams' music
    5. Metal bikinis

  • Still occasionally play a D&D variant (Pathfinder, and used to play it a lot back in 2nd edition). Used to collect comic books (getting ready to sell those though), play Euro games, and LARP (when I lived in Los Angeles). Mostly, though, I am a karaoke addict who still gets off reading his old upper division college math and physics textbooks even though I've been out of college for nearly 15 years (from my Master's) and 25 years from my Bachelor's.

  • edited March 20

    I'm also a huge fan of adventure-fantasy and games like D&D, though I'm more into tabletop than videogames. Also enjoy going to Ren Faire, but haven't in many years.

    The idea of the word "nerd" sure has changed a lot since I was younger; I'd say it has lost most of its pejorative connotations. 🤓

    I also used to enjoy painting miniatures, though I haven't done that in a long time.

  • I develop software. I developed https://app.wordcraft3d.greenrobot.com recently. Would love some feedback.

  • It’s not too nerdy, but has anyone tried the Rusty Lake games on your phone? I LOVED THEM.
    They have SO many to choose from and they each tell the same story but add different memories.
    A bit morbid and sad, but for a puzzle game it’s my top one. And it makes me feel like I can be a detective. Until I read that it’s ages 13+ therefore a teenager can solve these.

    For more nerdy, I am starting my very first D&D campaign.
    You’re talking to Lilith the tiefling ranger!

  • I've combined Monopoly with chess. It works surprisingly well.

  • Warhammer, and sub games like Necromunda. The narrative hole in Necromunda goes deep, making
    for a fun campaign based skirmish game.

  • edited March 21


  • I play Wordscapes and Yatzee. Like to win the Woodscapes weekend tournament.
    Sometimes while scrolling FB, I'll watch a few Mr. Chimetime reviews and write down the restaurants to visit. He recently spent a few months in Detroit and opened my eyes to some great foodie places.

  • I was compelled to come and agree with you about some of your list @TxTom .... specifically the AT-AT part LOL

    Sadly, I must respectfully disagree about the ewoks tho....

    Doesn't mean it wouldn't be super fun to pick your brain about it sometime tho!!

  • Huge Pokémon, Zelda, and halo franchise fan 🥰

    I’ve never dressed up for renn, but I would love to if I could. I just typically don’t go to events alone, but if I ever have the chance to go with someone, I would love to fully participate!

  • I collect programs at funeral homes from memorial services I am not invited to.

  • @pmvines instant karma videos are great. And yeah, pedos getting their justice is awesome as well.

    @1_teddybear sorry, forgot about that, just sent you a pm.

    @natickben ive wanted to get into as i got older WoW, but just never took the time. In my youth i was into things like Runescape. As far as books go, i used to read a lot when i was younger as well, but find myself too exhausted to wanna put in the effort for that anymore.

    @DaveFromSussex what are some of your favorite games and bands?

  • edited March 21

    what are some of your favorite games and bands?

    “The Crying Game” by Boy George

  • @LadyVel a very well-rounded list of nerdy things, i like it! Ren Faires are one of my favorites.

    @TxTom i agree on #3, 4, and 5 from your best things list. I loved the idea of pod racing when i was younger. Growing up i wanted to either be a race car driver, or in the airforce flying jets. Unfortunately none of that happened, but nowadays i would love for the opportunity to drive an F1 car

    @Vocalist100 i didnt start playing DnD till 5e was a thing, and ive pretty much just stuck with that. Though i have been interested in getting into some of the older ones. What is your favorite comic book you have? and how did you like LARPing? I always thought it was interesting, but never took any time to try getting into it.

    @HarleyGirlKate you should definitely try to make it to a Ren Faire again. Any interesting minis you got around?

  • @andyt443 thats pretty cool. I work for a software company right now on the support side of things. Ive been interested in trying to get into the dev side, and have a few resources noted down to start learning, but just need to sit down and find the time. Ill check that link out when i have a chance.

    @sc1994 ive not heard of them, no. But the age part reminds me of anytime you do something you think is awesome, just to see a 5th grader do it just as well as you lmao. But i hope the campaign goes well! Im super into the magic aspect of fantasy, so i was always partial to classes like Wizard, Druid, Cleric, or Paladin if i wanted to get some of the bruiser action going on.

    @TxTom monopoly with chess? Id be interested in seeing that.

    @Yensin that looks pretty sick! Ive heard of but never played Warhammer. Never heard of Necromunda.

  • @starrynitecuds my brother in law likes wordscapes and other games like that, pretty sure his large vocabulary helps out a lot. I love learning about good food places too, but im an incredibly picky eater. I wanna start travelling a bit more to explore and try to expand my taste a bit.

    @RedFox16 thank you for coming to the defense of Ewoks lol.

    @goodbyehug how much are you into Pokemon? do you buy a bunch of packs to open? I used to love Halo, played like a million hours of Halo 2 when i was younger. You should definitely try to dress up for Ren Faire, im actually kinda sad i didnt get a chance to make the costume like i wanted to this year. Next year will be my year! (hopefully)

  • edited March 21


    I collect programs at funeral homes from memorial services I am not invited to.

    Jesus, lmao. I dont know you at all, so im hoping thats just your humor

  • I dont know you at all, so im hoping thats just your humor

    Deadly serious. The box smells of lilacs and embalming fluid.

  • Harold and Maude.

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