Plane cuddling with stranger

Has anyone initiated cuddling on a flight with a stranger? I feel like it's a missed opportunity with the seats so close and sitting together for hours. My fear though is initiating it wrong and then having an awkward hours-long flight. I've had one experience but admittedly she initiated it.



  • Has anyone initiated cuddling on a flight with a stranger?

    No, but that would be really cool.

    My fear though is initiating it wrong...

    Perhaps have CuddleComfort conspicuously open on your laptop, and see if she inquires.

    I've had one experience but admittedly she initiated it.

    Even awesomer.

  • Yes I do that all the time! It really is the best way to cuddle. Sometimes I’ll also do that on amusement park rides as well!

  • It would have to be first class. Economy seats are way too cramped to even imagine cuddling lol.

  • edited March 20

    That would be kinda weird and borderline creepy to be honest . We are in a bubble on this site so we look at things through our own lenses, but you can't just go putting your hands and body on strangers , especially In confined places like a plane . It's inappropriate and has potential for trauma trigger written all over it.

  • Not on purpose, however I have been on a flight with a seat mate who really should have purchased 2 seats because they were intruding 6” into my aisle seat and the seat of the person sitting by the window. It was absolutely most uncomfortable flight I have been on and I have been on a lot of uncomfortable flights.

  • Hard no for me. Quick way to be arrested for assault. They are really cracking down on unwanted touch and advances on planes and air crimes are Federal crimes. The FBI even has an article on their website about sexual assault in the air. If any touch is misconstrued you will be cuddling in the future with a Federal record.

  • I tried several times. Now I'm on a universal no-fly list (OK, not really, but someone had to make the joke!)

  • edited March 20

    Funny this this thread popped up when it did. I'm flying down to LA in a few days and about an hour before I read this, I was thinking how nice it would be to cuddle on the flight or on one of the benches waiting at the airport. I'd love to, but it isn't something I see myself bringing up mid-flight with a stranger.

  • @BoomerSpooner ain't lying!!! ABORT thought process IMMEDIATELY!!! 😲

  • Oh, right, good points.

    I often forget how litigious our society is now.

  • I often forget how litigious our society is now.

    Litigious refers to lawsuits. Sexual assault is a crime and the FAA and the FBI are emphasizing zero tolerance for any unwanted touching on flights. This is a three year-old story.

    Equating sexual assault to a lawsuit is dismissive of a very real problem and crime women deal with everywhere.

  • I would feel super weird cuddling in public like that. Like what if they are in a relationship? Even though it would be one million percent platonic I’d still be thinking about that the whole time cause I’m not trying to be anyone’s mistake. They are not part of this community so the trust that I have in people here would be non-existent with a random stranger.

  • When I fly nowadays, I have a portable o2 machine with me, and so I use miles, discount codes or whatever to buy two seats. I always make a point of raising the armrests and letting the person in the third seat know that he/she is welcome to use the leftover space on the middle seat (i.e. not otherwise occupied by the o2 machine).

    While this sometimes turns the person into a pleasant chatty seatmate, have never dreamt that such a situation could be turned into a spontaneous cuddle lol

  • Have to be careful not to wake them up

  • edited March 20

    Litigious refers to lawsuits. Sexual assault is a crime...


    and the FAA and the FBI are emphasizing zero tolerance for any unwanted touching on flights.

    I'm referring to inadvertently brushing up against someone, touching their hand or leg, or any other physical contact that happens in the confined spaces on board an airplane.

    How often is any of that interpreted as assault?

  • Until more people realize that it's not ok to try to initiate cuddling with total strangers without appropriate rapport building and context and negotiating consent, people are going to continue to think consensual platonic cuddling is icky.

  • Do not be the dude on the plane who tries to initiate any physical contact with a woman sitting next to you. Please.

  • Also a good way to end up on Tik Tok for the wrong reasons

  • Not on a plane but when I was on a greyhound I kinda cuddled with my seat mate who had been chatting with me. I was riding for 3 days straight I think and they were like here, just put your head on my shoulder and they shared their blanket. It was nice surprisingly.

  • @LadyVel

    So there is still some trace of humanity amongst... well, us humans.

  • Oh yes it does happen. On my flight from Uk to Canada. We shared the two seats by the window. Strangers. Chatted. Laughed. Exchanged numbers n then cuddled right through to Canada. It was a beautiful new experience to both of us. And , genuinely comfortable. Yes cuddles do happen sometimes. Just go with the flow. Don’t have any expectations, and be positively open to a hearty chat.

  • @sin67
    Awesome! So much better to hear than all the naysaying.

  • I have to agree. I'm not sure where the assault assumptions are coming into play here. I had the same thing happen on a long flight to Australia once. I was going by myself but I ended up hitting it off with my seat neighbor and we ended up becoming friends and did a bit of cuddling. No biggie.

  • @dave31415 i think that's what everyone is afraid of, waking up to some guy draped over them lol

    I have a flight coming up, maybe I'll get an "i like to cuddle" neck pillow. And print out some cuddling guidelines to keep in my pocket. Maybe a consent form. Maybe some nice lady will say hey, i want to sit next to him!

    It might be a nice thing for people who are nervous about flying. Comforting and all. I doubt I'd be lucky enough. I suspect I'll always be sitting next to someone who I'd not want to cuddle or should not cuddle. A kid or Ted Cruz....or Joe Rogan or Roseanne Bar or some silly person like that.

  • Btw any one flying from michigan to Texas mid July, maybe we could set it up.

  • @TxTom

    How often is any of that interpreted as assault?

    You're asking @BoomerSpooner to justify your "litigious society" statement?
    @pmvines did we get that popcorn machine yet?

  • This is the preflight announcement that Virgin Airlines and Alaskan Airlines make before flights now verbatim:

    "We respect the privacy and well-being of our guests and employees. We do not tolerate inappropriate verbal, digital or physical conduct of any kind, including sexual harassment, invasive photography and assault. Please report unwelcome behavior to an employee immediately. Any crime committed onboard is considered a federal offense."


  • While it would be awesome, usually I'm just happy if I'm sitting next to someone that I have a good conversation/connection with. I usually ask the person next to me if they are headed home or leaving home then judge how open they are to having a conversation from there. There have been 3 times when I literally talked with the person non-stop for the whole flight, and those were probably the three best flights I've been on (although there's something to be said for business class to Europe with no one next to me).

    I suppose that if I found myself on another flight with an instant connection with the person next to me, I won't avoid the topic of platonic touch, but I'd never expect it to lead to anything.

  • edited March 20

    So there is still some trace of humanity amongst... well, us humans.

    You love engaging in sophistry while ignoring the point. She stated she had chatted with him for three days and he asked her. Context.

    Thank goodness the world doesn’t rely on you to actually determine who is a “human”. Any time a person has decided that in history groups have faced extermination…Kurds, Jews, Intellectuals, etc. Nice brand of humanity you profess there.

  • I think that’s playing with fire lol

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