
What does it mean when a pro cuddler is in timeout?


  • It's a temporary punishment.

    Timeout: Typically used due to repeatedly breaking the forum rules, though used in other cases as needed, a site member can put someone in timeout to where they can't use the forums or site. Depending on several factors this can range from a couple days to a month.

  • That applies to everyone, not just pros.

  • In and of itself it does not imply that the perpetrator is a bad person or that you should not book them. Sometimes good people do bad or foolish things, or make mistakes.

  • In a pro's case, it could be as simple as their credit card on file with CC had expired. Not necessarily a negative situation.

  • It is probably just they recently had a cuddle session and credit card info needs to be updated. I got this when I lost my credit card and got a new one. As soon as I updated the card information; my profile was right back up instantly

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