It's a small world, after all...

What are your 'it's a small world" / crazy coincidence / stories, thanks to Cuddle Comfort?

I'm lowkey afraid that I may approach someone for a cuddle and didn't realize the cuddler is actually my coworker's sibling or was like 2 years behind me in high school or something. What if I approach a cuddler not realizing I already know that person but just didn't recognize their picture?



  • One time I was browsing and saw my best friends ex husband on here. It was awkward for me 😅

  • A friend who was a cuddler on another site said she didn't realize until meeting but her son's old friend from highschool booked her for a cuddle. He was 19. She of course didn't do it because there was certainly some kind of fetish there,.something that rhymes with ILF ...

  • I think just saying, “oh, you like to cuddle too” would be enough.

  • I had a regular client on here. I've seen him a fair amount of times. This guy at a job i was working on started and looked sooo much like him and had the same name. after a few months of working with me he started talking about his twin brother described their differences and that's when i realized my regular client is not named what he has told me. I asked to see a pic of the two of them and sure enough i have been cuddling with his twin. I didn't tell my co worker. I have also seen my client since and never mentioned anything or about knowing he has been using his twins name.

  • I cuddled a regular and as we were talking, he discussed how his step dad has a Caribbean food truck at a specific spot where I go for karaoke. And I realized I’ve had food from this food truck!! It was such a funny revelation. (I ordered jerk chicken and a heavily flavoured rice and it was soooooo delicious). Small world indeed

  • Cool topic !

    I grew up in Austin, Tx and made a trip home to cuddle and connect while also visiting some friends and family. I hadn't been to Austin in over 5 years prior and only visited a hand full of times in 20 years.

    I received a picture from a prospective cuddle buddy in Austin which happened to include their friend. That friend was a friend of mine I'd gone to school with and hadn't seen literally in 17 years. This may not seem like a major coincidence but Austin is a great big ol' city with lots of transplants.

    Thought it was a cool reminder of what a small world it is indeed. 😊

  • edited March 31

    Last year I saw a new profile with no pic pop up in Birmingham so I said hello and welcome to the site . She said hey you know me lol and sent me a pic. Ended up being someone I had gone out with a few times from several years prior . We ended up cuddling about 7 or 8 times before she decided she didn't want to do the cuddle thing anymore due to some life changes and circumstances, but we still keep in touch. I actually started a thread about it , but I'm not one to spam the forums with links to my threads I write but if you wanna read it it's here somewhere .

    Another time my profile was visited by a man who I recognized as being someone who my ex girlfriend was involved with as part of a poly thing with he and his girlfriend, and my exes husband and his girlfriend . I hadn't met him before since he was out of state but I knew enough to recognize his pic and bio info as well as the pics of his 2 dogs lol . So that was interesting .

  • Ha this is a great topic. I will occasionally muster the courage to make a profile on a dating app which lasts maybe one or two days before I delete it in embarrassment. One time I did this and I saw a fellow enthusiast on there that I recognized from here. It wasn’t someone I ever interacted with here, but I didn’t say anything on there and never went back to the app 😅

  • This may not be as good a story but I had a session at a hotel awhile back. When I was leaving, the elevator door opened in the lobby and as I was getting off, a girl was getting on. I realized she was a pro I had a session with before. It happened so quickly that I didn’t have time to say anything. They were both from out of town. It then clicked, oh wait, they’re friends and on a cuddle tour together. The hotel room had 2 beds but I didn’t think much about it at the time. I’ve had to take a room with 2 beds because that was all that was available. Anyway, small world, yes.

  • Small world- 2 cuddlers one street down from eachother

    Small world- worked for my ex-husband at one point

  • What a great topic! I need time to think. ☺️

    @KariMeiSnuggles That sounds like a trippy experience! 🌀

  • @CharlieBear No reason to be embarrassed. I'm sure there have been many of us that have been on there a few times, myself included.

    small world or...?
    I have a profile on another (not as good) cuddle site. Someone booked me there (site allowed it to book without my approval 😡) only for me to find out it was someone who had booked me here on CC before... 😒 Didn't feel comfortable with that.

  • I had a session with a cuddler who went to the same high school as me (not at the same time), who was mortal enemies with my sister while they were in school.

  • edited April 1

    It hasn't happened here on Cuddle Comfort or in the "world of cuddles" but small world
    incidents did happen elsewhere off another site (that I am active on). I spotted a co-worker and a former high school classmate of mine on that same site.🤔
    I quietly introduced myself 🤫 to my co-worker (when he was alone) even invited him out to "dinner nights" with me and others, which he accepted.😊
    We're not "besties" at work, and we didn't make a big deal out of it.😁
    Everything is swell.👍

    The classmate I saw her working at a thrift store near where I live, she recognized ME (and we chatted a little bit) but I didn't bring up seeing her online. Some things I choose to keep to myself.🤐😁

  • @CharlieBear

    Lol same. Just came across somebody here that I also saw on a dating site awhile back and I recognized since they used the same photos. Also, my area is very small town and everybody knows everybody, it seems.

  • One person I'm thinking of cuddling with looks just like someone who works at a bank branch I go to fairly often. Might be a tad awkward, although if it is her, I can easily go to another branch (it's a huge bank with tons of branches) if I feel weird about it, post-cuddle.

    My best "small world" story isn't cuddle related, but pretty cool. I heard a former client of mine had gotten divorced. I lost her number when changing phones, so I hoped and prayed for an accidental encounter. It eventually happened in a different city about 20 miles away - she was literally next to me at the cashier line of a restaurant! We talked, exchanged numbers, and ended up getting together a few times. So... later on that day, I'm driving with a buddy of mine, recounting this exciting story. We pull up to a stoplight, and she's right there, next to us! As casually as could be, I said, "Oh, by the way, if you want to know what she looks like, there she is." and pointed to the car next to us.

  • Not a cuddle thing. I have been in Florida over 30 years and run heavy equipment back in WV and I was at a car show with my truck and a guy started asking me about my truck and we chatted for a long time and he was the mechanic that worked on the machines that I run.

  • @Erin_Elle_ it really was! I felt like I knew my client really well but realistically every story he had told me was really his twin so i just knew my coworker really well lol

  • Not cuddle related but 2 years ago I was on vacation on Marco Island, FL (nearly 1,200 miles from where I live in Indianapolis). I stopped in a grocery store to get some food to stock the fridge at my AirBnB. In the checkout line I thought the guy in front of me looked familiar but I was only seeing the side of his face. When he turned his head and looked straight at me I recognized him. He was a client of mine from central Indiana. We spoke for a couple of minutes and found out Marco Island was a favorite destination for both of us.

  • I am a car girl in addition to a cuddler. And I am specifically into Saabs, a Swedish brand that stopped building cars in 2011. It's a niche of the market & we are a very tight community. Recently I opened my garage door to allow a client entry to my session space and upon it rising he looked at me with great surprise and wonder, "You have a Saab", he stated as he looked at me then the car's marque on the hatch and me once again. I replied, "yes", not quite sure where this was going. But quickly it became clear we had great commonalities and the connection was established. I even found out my best friend's garage is his regular caretaker too where I've met his son.
    Of course the next thing from his mouth was, "You gotta keep a kabosh on this!" LOL
    The secret is safe with me.

  • @SquishyOvrFifty I had several people I knew that had Saabs back in the day and they said the pronunciation of the name was an apt description of owning a Saab.

  • :o Oh dear I'm sorry to hear that?

  • edited April 1

    @SquishyOvrFifty Old, old joke from way back. You should be Saabing over that joke for all the wrong reasons.

  • Non cuddle related story . An old hospice agency I used to work for had a new patient admitted. I went to his home to do my initial visit . His name didn't register when I saw it nor did I recognize him when I saw him . But he recognized me . Turns out he was an old co worker who I had grown fond of back when I was working warehouses and unloading trucks for a living . Poor guy was a double leg amputee , on 8 liters of oxygen , and very extremely overweight . He was a shell of what I remembered . His son , who was 13 when I knew him before , was 30 and a drug addict who had been stealing his pain meds and I had to get adult protective services involved , eventually leading to nursing home placement.

    Another story from back when I worked for community based mental health program and visited people in their homes . I went to see a patient in his apartment , and low and behold I see pictures of two children on his wall. These children happened to belong to a friend a mine ! So I asked him casually about them and he said they were his nieces children . Then it registered with me that this was the uncle i had heard about, and the stories about him getting arrested for swinging a sword around at a neighbor, going off his meds and thinking the weather anchor on channel 13 was writing telling the fire Marshall that he stole an ambulance, and other fun tales from her childhood.

  • @BoomerSpooner ahhh that old joke. I honestly was not sure how to take the comment- you know the problem with testing and all that... Thanks for splaining to me :)

  • edited April 1

    @pmvines I can relate to your non cuddle related stories. I grew up in a very rural area in a very small town and worked as an impact coordinator and for a while a victim's advocate. Small towns are notorious for everyone knowing everyone, and half are related in some way. I knew way too much about everyone in town and could never get out of Walmart without someone wanting to tell me something going on with someone they knew who they thought needed help. I would at times do home visits to do assessments and was running into situations like those all the time. ha ha....awkward... but useful and amusing all at the same time.

  • @pty1999
    Yeah , it's hard knowing too much sometimes lol. My weekend job at the hospital leaves me buried in chart reviews and assessments, and sometimes I come across someone I know casually, or co worker , or even a family members chart . I recognized the name of someone once was my cousin's father in law . Ended up finding out he had lymphoma diagnosis before anybody else in the family , and due to HIPPA and a respect for his privacy I just kept my mouth shut and acted surprised when it was revealed.

  • This one is kind of related to CC... I went to San Diego to present at a conference and someone that I met here tagged along. We drove to Chicago and, in the shuttle from the parking strusture to O'Hare, there was another couple but heading to Vegas. After 4 days or so, we flew back and the same couple rode the shuttle back to the garage with us!

  • @KariMeiSnuggles my thought went to.... how would the twin feel about this and how would it impact their relationship if he ever found out. Dun dun dunnnnn

  • Not cuddling related
    Was casually dating a guy and told him I had been hired at a small company, the owners ended up being the family of his daughter's high school best friend. I was there a few years and left for another company, only to find out one of the owner's wives there was part of his daughter's equestrian family.
    Level of difficulty: we never publicized our relationship, so the connection wasn't known to either job/bosses or his daughter. It was fun to compare the stories we heard about each other and everyone else.
    (Like when one of the owners told everyone her husband had a heart attack while hunting and fell out of a tree stand breaking a few ribs and arm. He actually was drunk.)
    Same guy and I both listed different towns than where we actually lived on the dating app (because it was so rural.) We were about 40 miles apart, in different counties. Truth is stranger than fiction, we lived 5 miles apart in the same county, which neither of us had named.

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