is cuddling romantic


  • No.

    When a mother cuddles her baby it isn't romantic. When a sports star cuddles their teamate after scoring, it isn't romantic. When a trauma survivor finally finds the courage to seek out a professional cuddler it isn't romantic.

    Cuddling is NEVER romantic except in one extremely specific circumstance, namely the first few cuddles in a new romantic relationship. Even there, it isn't the cuddling that is romantic: it is the increase in intimacy that the cuddling represents that is romantic.

  • I think cuddling can absolutely be romantic but in the context of this website, it’s probably not the best word.

  • @CuddleDuncan
    What you wrote is perfect. I’m saving this.
    Too many people here are only aware of cuddling as sexual foreplay and that’s what they’re looking for here.
    Their mind is not intuitive enough to understand the difference. That’s why there are so many women on this site who are struggling with being active here at all and end up leaving, because too often - men don’t get the difference. You explained it so well. 🙏🏻

  • It depends on the intent, just like kissing.

    When a mother kisses her baby it isn't romantic. When a don kisses his consigliere it isn't romantic. When General Patton kisses the wounded soldier it isn't romantic.

  • Lovely examples @TxTom

  • Many confuse cuddling's intimacy with romance. They are not the same...

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