Being stuck in loneliness

So, my situation is pretty uncommon. In my soul I'm a driven, energetic, active and spontaneous person, but the body I happen to inhabit is...not 😅 My different levels of disability are disabling (shocker, I know) me in many ways that I genuinely have no control over, and that sucks. And usually I can handle that more or less, it's not fun of course, and it's galling to say the least to be unable to live the life that would best fulfill me, but I'm a coping strategy master, and I often find satisfaction in my more accessible interests.

But, sometimes, seemingly at random and out of the blue, the juxtaposition of my lived reality and the life I could have had if I were dealt a different hand that would have fit me so much better becomes overwhelmingly depressing. And, as we all know, one of the best treatments for depressing things is connection. Talking to friends and family, being held by people we know and trust, laughing, crying, complaining and just...connecting with people who understand and getting that basic reassurance that we all want, that we are not alone.
I'm sure many of you on here can relate to that desire, and how difficult it is to be without it.
And this evening is one of those "out of the blue" times when I miss that kind of connection and support to get through the rough bit 🤷🏼

Unfortunately, my options in that area are incurably limited once again by my disabilities. 😅 I'm immunocompromised, I'm cut off from my friends and loved ones because of their risk levels to my weak immune system, and right now I really can't go anywhere because of my symptoms, so I am solidly stuck in isolation. So, here I am talking about it online when what I really need is a good long supportive cuddle 😂

I do know the heaviest bit of this feeling will pass before too long, so that's good, just gotta keep on trucken as always. Shit just sucks right now.
I hope if anyone else is feelin' this same way that we'll all get through it soon and find that connection we all come here looking for 🤘🏻☺️


  • FWIW, I hear you. Sometimes shit sucks, and mostly we can't fix it. You can accept something and still think it sucks. I hope you get to a more reliable peaceful place 🥰

  • @Skweezer Absolutely, and thank you ☺️🥰

  • Sometimes it's just constant torture. I am kind of tired of existing. I hope you feel better soon.

  • @Runawaycuddles As humans we do not need to be lonely at the same time to understand the isolation you suffer. I encourage you to recall the voices of those you have lost through the years to feel a lighter ethereal touch reaching out to your soul. Whether you lost them through life changes, death, disease or distance you can close your eyes and hear them and you can speak to them. They miss your touch too and the longing to embrace you again becomes the bond that holds you together to your friends and family until the day comes when their corporeal touch comes and helps drown the loneliness. You will feel fulfilled again and we all hope and desire this for you.

  • Sometimes it’s hard for me to read a post like yours and not make suggestions or try to “fix” it. So I will just say that I read your writing three or four times, and I just focused on sending you good vibes and karma across the miles while I was visualizing some good outcomes for you. I read your profile and your karma and just sent some positive thoughts out into the universe for you. Peace and cuddles🤗❤️☀️🌙🌻

  • @Runawaycuddles
    It's frustrating when our bodies and our brains don't see eye to eye isn't it 🤗

  • edited April 21

    @Runawaycuddles And I know that sometimes virtual hugs help, and sometimes they most assuredly do not. For whatever it is worth, it seems like you are in the minds and hearts of your family and friends, even if they cannot physically be with you right now. And it looks like you have people on here who care about you as well. I know it may be cold comfort at a time like this, but you do matter to a lot of people. And they are wishing they could hold you and comfort you just as much as you wish they could. I think you can add some people here to the list of those who will happily talk with you and comfort you when you are going through times like this.

  • @Runawaycuddles that just sucks. And I can't do anything for you, except listen and be available to listen. I wish I could make it all better but loneliness is real and can be too....I don't have the same story you do but loneliness can be a LOT and your body having limits is hard too. I've found that reaching out to others to share that I'm having a hard time or that I feel lonely has been helpful.
    Regardless I can be here to listen to you.

  • @Deodore Sadly, I understand that feeling of being tired of existing well, although thankfully nowadays I find life much more worth fighting for somehow than I did in those days ❤️‍🩹
    All I can really say is I can do all things through spite which strengthens me! 😅 Also, because I'm a complete nerd, two quotes from Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
    "Despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt."
    "Hope there is still if we can stand unconquered for a little while"

  • @BoomerSpooner Thank you...that is a lovely thing to think about ☺️ I appreciate the good vibes and positive manifestations! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @VitaminJ I really appreciate that. I've definitely struggled to not jump in and try to fix things many times, so I definitely understand and appreciate that struggle! Thank you for the good vibes and kind words ❤️🥰❤️

  • @pmvines Right?? It's very...💩-y (seems like an appropriate response since that's your thang in the forums 🤣)

  • @WriterGF Thank you for the reminder 🥰 It's always good to remember that we're loved and valued ❤️ It has brought tears to my eyes reading everyone's kind responses this evening 🥹

  • @Ssquared Listening and commiserating is incredibly helpful for loneliness, thank you. ❤️ I look forward to doing the same for you, this loneliness thing is a bitch and a half and we all feel it in one way or another, so we can all understand and help each other feel it less sharply 🥰

  • edited April 21

    Gonna let you in on a little secret . I talk about my poops as a place filler for when I really want to say something that would more than likely get me in trouble . So instead of saying " wow , so and so is a stupid mother effer ", or "that is literally the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard coming from the brain of an alleged grown adult", I simply talk about the exhilaration of dropping deuces .

  • Hugs @Runawaycuddles I have something that limits me too, so I actually sincerely understand. If you ever want to chat, feel free to pm me. :)

  • @pmvines I figured it had to be something like that 😂

  • @CuddleHugs01234 Thank you 🫂 I'd love to, a d likewise!

  • I'll be driving through your area soon on my move to Portland. I'll set a reminder to radiate some extra good vibes to you as I pass through.

  • @smokeybear82 Thank you! I'll send all the safe travel vibes!!

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