The Cuddle Sutra

I stumbled across a slide show called The Cuddle Sutra, which I thought was sort of amusing. I am curious if anyone else was familiar with it.


  • [Deleted User]DersEvvak (deleted user)
    It's actually a book. Here it is on Amazon:
  • Despite the potential copyright ground the first link teeters on, the images have me applauding the work within the book. Definitely worth a buy from those with interest in cuddling. Very akin to the Kama Sutra books in which couples browse through it and say, "let's try this!" ;)
  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)

    I've read both the Kama Sutra and cuddle sutra books. Pretty enriching read. I may just go practice some of those positions on my body pillow.

  • I don't have the restraint to try 3/4 of those with someone from this site. This pushes the envelope. Great stuff for lovers on a lazy day off.

  • This is great. Thanks for giving it a bump, @Bles

    Some positions do seem better for regular cuddle partners, but there's a good mix here overall.

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