Do people even use this?

I made this last night hoping I could meet new people but no luck so far and everyone is either far or been out for a while.


  • I just set up an account as well today and I live in columbus ohio but there are oonky two people that were on 5 days a go or a month ago the rest are like a year plus. I feel you on that man hope you find a cuddle partner.

  • The question is unclear. Do you mean "do people use the Cuddle Requests Forum?" Do you mean "do people use the CuddleComfort website?"

    I think the Cuddle Requests Forum is a poor way to meet a cuddle buddy. More people seem to make contact and successfully meet other people by searching for potential cuddlers' profiles and messaging them directly. If you are messaging an enthusiast -- meaning, a woman not listed as a professional cuddler -- you will be more successful if you initiate a conversation before mentioning anything about cuddling. Some of the enthusiasts are timid, and some are inexperienced. To them, mentioning cuddling right away is like getting pawed on a first date. Be polite, be patient and eventually you will find someone. Good luck, guys!

  • Well most of the people in Columbus Ohio that aren't professionals have been on for more than several months or up to a year. I've messaged the ones that I could.

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