How long ahead of time should pro sessions be booked?

edited February 2018 in Professional Cuddling

I have had pros who want sessions booked well in advance and have had pros who can’t seem to commit until the last minute. What’s reasonable?


  • I don't mind either. Whatever is convenient for my client is fine with me if I'm free. I do notice that the further in advance a session is book (deposited cuddle trips excluded) the less likely a client is to keep the session unless I reach out continuously to keep the conversation going.

  • For me it needs to be at lest 24hrs notice .

  • I prefer 24 hour notice, but have been able to do last minutes. It really depends on my schedule. Personally like the nptice so we can message a little and we can get a bit of a feel for eachother, and theres a bit of anticipation and excitment, if you have to wait a while :)

  • Now if they are active clients then short notice if I’m available is ok . But new clients at very least 24hrs

  • I've seen some profiles state they want at least 12 hours notice and others say 48 hours so they can book a babysitter or reserve a place they use for hosting cuddle sessions.

    I booked with @MsClickers a little over 4 months in advance because I knew I was going to be traveling to Phoenix for NYE and we'd been talking since she started on the site so I wanted to make it a point to see her during my visit. Most of the time it's a week or 2 in advance for me reaching out to someone to book a session though.

  • I routinely decline last-minute requests (i.e., same day, sometimes next day) from first time messagers. I want to get to know a person a little and vet him before meeting him. If it's someone I know, it's no problem, as long as I'm available.

    The first time clients who request same day service from me have always disappeared after I say I need more notice and want to get to know them a bit first.

  • I will occasionally accept last minute request but usually if we have already been communicating. I prefer 24 hour notice so I can ensure my calendar is freed. I think it’s just respectful on both sides to schedule and confirm everything in advance.

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