Hello,Im new to this.

[Deleted User]Dreampoet (deleted user)
I am a male and I love to hold a woman. Unfortunately its hard to find.  Here is my question. If I find a lady that I enjoy cuddling with, what if I fall asleep from the relaxation?  Its soothing for me. Is that wrong? Is it okay to sleep, both sleep? No sex, but just sleep and hold each other? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank You.


  • Of course, sleep cuddling is awesome, I call it a cuddlenap. 
  • I don't think there's anything wrong with sleeping, but if you stay awake you can actually enjoy your whole time together.
  • [Deleted User]Dreampoet (deleted user)
    Well id want to as much as possible.
  • [Deleted User]apeirogon (deleted user)
    It's whatever you two agree is good!
  • I've found that I tend to get the best sleep when I nap whilst cuddling. Sure, I still wake up more often because every little movement of the other disturbs the rest, but...I still manage to feel more refreshed than when I rest normally. It's a thing. :P
  • [Deleted User]brenda74 (deleted user)
    I don't see anything wrong with that,,, it just shows that you are relaxed with cuddle buddy... I personally think it's great. I sleep better while cuddling
  • [Deleted User]EclecticLeo (deleted user)
    Yeah cuddlenaps are awesome.
  • Yes it is ok. I've slept with my best friend, without sex. But then I was never really attracted to her - I just enjoy her companionship.
  • [Deleted User]Jems (deleted user)
    Love that. :) I used to have a best friend who was just like that. We both loved hugging and cuddling. No sex, just holding each other, spooning each other. We could stay for hours in each others arms but we never ever thought of bringing it to the next level. I mean, why spoil a great friendship right? Then she got married and moved overseas and that was the last we saw of each other. :(
    I'm looking for someone who would love to fill that space. :)
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