What professional means to people

Some Karma comments say things like, "She was very professional".

What does being professional mean to you?


  • To me, if that's pretty much all it says, they're trying to be nice and the person was basically just there and allowed the client to cuddle them. I have had a client who left a karma like that for someone else, so I'm basing my response off of what he told me and my instinct of politeness in regards to reviews of people. Basically, the more enthusiastic the review, the more genuine and true it tends to be.

    Further, I'm a pro and would rather have other descriptors than "professional" in a review. That says to me I was on time and I did my job. I aim for much more than that. "Professional" feels cold to me when in a review. So that's my answer if your question is in the event that it's just a portion of a longer review.

  • Just reviewed my karma. The only place that word is mentioned is in regards to a request of future clients, not of me. Does my karma make you more or less intrigued about cuddling than a pro who has "she was very professional" karma? Your answer answers your question ;-)

  • To me, professional means all of the following: on time, clean, receptive, giving, keeps things non-personal, and professional in communications. If there is a disagreement or boundary issue, a professional will communicate these things firmly yet politely without putting a person on the defensive and will apologize even when they've done no wrong. If a professional needs to reschedule, they will communicate this in a professional manner and apologize for the inconvenience offering to make it up to the client; if unforeseen circumstances, such as weather or emergency situations, necessitate a reschedule within the 12-24 hour time-frame, a professional is understanding.
    Diplomacy, in a sense.

    This is my view only, of course.

  • @ubergigglefritz ""Professional" feels cold to me when in a review." To me it seems like a very positive thing to say, like the list @PinkLipstick22 gave. It's the opposite of saying they were unprofessional -- bad at communicating, late, etc.

    @ubergigglefritz "Does my karma make you more or less intrigued about cuddling than a pro who has "she was very professional" karma?" Both are good. :)

  • [Deleted User]lilredmage (deleted user)

    Seeing karma that simply says "She was very professional," makes me think that, while the pro didn't necessarily do anything wrong, the session was probably very generic and boring. To me, it's the equivalent of a client receiving karma that simply says, "he was very respectful of boundaries" and nothing more. Thanks, I guess? I tend to look for comments more along the lines of "the time went by so fast!" or "I'm booking my next session with this pro already!"

  • Just to clarify, I wasn't saying that being professional was the only comment in someone's karma ... just wondering what that word meant to people.

  • I would see it as a good thing if coinciding with other certain positive things written in the review. By itself, or coinciding with other ordinary positive "business-like" characteristics, I would see it differently. If all anyone had to say about me was that I was professional, on-time, and clean, then I would feel I did them a disservice. I feel the other things that Pink listed are professional, yes, but if I exhibited those characteristics, I don't think "professional" would be the first word they would think to put in the review. I still think "professional" by itself is basically saying "yeah, this person was on-time and was fine to cuddle, but nothing special I was too excited about; regardless, I don't feel they deserve a negative review, so I'll write they were professional" lol. Anyway, this is my opinion, and only answering your question O:-)

  • Seeing your clarification... I still am not a huge fan of the word. It's a good thing to be professional, but I don't want that to be what people are thinking when they leave a session with me. I want them to be thinking about how relaxed they are, how accepted and comfortable I made them feel, (like lilred mentioned) that they look forward to seeing me again, etc. It felt so amazing at the cuddle party I went to, when multiple people told me this was the best cuddle party they'd ever been to and were so thankful I was there. They felt this way not because I was professional, but because I was warm, positive, and made them feel safe. I know a cuddle party is different than an individual professional session, but I aim for the same feelings from my individual clients. It's just not my goal for them to be thinking about how professional I was. That's not even in my top ten of goals of what I want to provide my clients.

    I'm really trying to think about my real response to your actual question... I guess it indicates the pro is being successful in providing their service. The client is probably very genuine in their efforts to achieve benefit from platonic touch (ie - no ulterior motives there, they see the clinical benefits in it, etc). I don't know. I don't feel warm and fuzzies with the term or the phrase, and when deciding who you're going to have cuddle you, you should feel more than you do when reading reviews of a masseuse ;-)

  • edited April 2018

    @ubergigglefritz I do know where you're coming from (I think!). You inspired me to go and check what those karma comments actually said, and most of them have a whole lot more than just the word "professional". Here are some excerpts:

    "She is amazing; polite, well mannered, professional, and communicative; she is not afraid to make an adjustment, make a request, or accommodate a request...to make sure that the session begins and ends on positive and fulfilling note."

    "Very professional and provides a very comfy and safe space. She is gentle, friendly and nurturing."

    "Even though she is such a free spirit, she is very punctual and a true professional."

    "I was a little nervous at first, but she made me feel comfortable right away. Very professional and friendly."

    "She was professional yet down to earth, witty and charming, and beautiful on many levels."

    "Absolutely amazing... she's a true professional that understands exactly how to set your mind at ease."

    "A true professional. She started by getting to know my needs and shaped the session around them."

    "I found her to be highly professional, reliable, and responsive when setting up a cuddle session."

    "She's professional in her attitude, but also clearly enjoys her work."

    "She is very very professional. I mean, she met me on time, she gave a warm hug made me comfortable very instant i met her. She has a very calm setup with candles, background music etc. She offered me water, allowed me to settle down. She walked me back to my car."

  • Some of those I regard more highly than others. I'm looking for enthusiastic words like "amazing". I also appreciate the person saying they were nervous, but the pro made them feel comfortable right away. A few of those feel pretty neutral to me though.

  • [Deleted User]chococuddles (deleted user)

    Agree with ubergiggs.

    "Professional" is vague and blah - it's nice when someone describes HOW were they professional. What actions did they take to bring you to that conclusion?

    It's not twitter, be descriptive! :3

  • edited May 2018

    Professional is a term I would apply to a doctor, tax accountant or a divorce lawyer (among other terms which I can't repeat here). Cuddling is a much more personal service, so I would look for words that describe how she made the person feel. Like safe, welcomed, warm, relaxed, valued, comfortable.

  • edited May 2018

    When i post re cuddlers, i always use the term paid cuddlers. I don't like to use the term pro because it simply implies that you are getting paid to cuddle, and not that you are a trained professional in a specific field or skillset. Doesnt mean there arent many people who do take it very seriously and give the best experience possible, and truly are professional in their approach. Truth is some people who charge are terrible at cuddling, whereas some who don't are amazing. And ultimately what matters most is connection, authenticity, and whether you get along with the person. Always makes for a better experience whether you are paying for it or not.

  • being professional, clean, responding on time, all of those little details, make up hopefully a great session. but I totally agree with ubergigglefritz, its much more of a compliment to be called warm, caring, sensitive, etc.
    This forrum topic did make me curious to see how many karmas I had that used that word specifically, but didnt find it in any of mine. So that was a surprise, but also kind of nice! :)
    The karma Examples respectful gave though, seemed kind and like they absolutely could have had great sessions, and they just may not be overly wordy/ expressive through text. :)

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