is cuddling intimacy?

people dont realize that cuddling is intimate and people that charge for it are nothing more than people making money to just lay down and do nothing. Intimacy is part of cuddling. cuddling is not plutonic unless it is betwen a mother and her offspring. Cuddling is what people do after sex and when they are in love. It is not something people do with strangers. this site hooks up strangers to cuddle and they have no inkling of who the other person is, their personality, or other things. cuddling is not therapuetic and if it is where are the studies that prove it. People always say that ooh its natural to have an erection when cuddling but dont worry about it. well an erection constitutes more than platonic encounters. Cuddling as with all other conjured up educational ideas is nothing more than a way to make money.



  • [Deleted User]MoonlightSonata (deleted user)

    @seanjax41 Cuddling is actually very good for your physical, mental, and emotional health. There have been quite a few scientific studies done on this.

    This is a good article on the subject:

    But there are many more.

    And I've actually met a lot of friends on this site who are really nice and fun to talk to. :)

  • edited May 2018

    I think cuddling is what people do WHEN people want to cuddle. Not every cuddle leads to more or anything, nor does it have to.

    Someone can feel turnt by many things and by nothing.

    There are also people who are Asexual they don't feel sexual attraction at all. There are gray Ace who may though a lot less than "normal". Demisexuals who don't experience such an attraction until they develop a deep emotional/ intellectual connection with someone first. I suggest looking into them and the like. Broaden your views. Anyways. Back to your post, there are also many of us who simply would like some companionships either having no interest in a relationship(s)/ presently/ever/ or just no time yet. Whatever the reasons or lack thereof.

    Cuddling has MANY benefits that by a quick search you can find, even hugs alone have many benefits.

    This site allows for its members to be able to converse and interact. We (the members) go at whatever pace is comfortable for each of us and for one another. Whether conversing a bit and meeting to cuddle after meeting for like an hour (((with all the safety precautions in place ofcourse, at all times!))). Or we like to converse more to develop a connection slower or even possibly meet a couple of times before. That's a decision each of us makes. Different steps work for different people, different times. Now. What brought you here? How did you come to know about? :)

  • [Deleted User]MoonlightSonata (deleted user)

    @Lovelight I've always viewed cuddling, snuggling, and hugs as a way to share a friendly moment with someone close to you like a friend, neighbor, or family member.

    I have lots of great memories cuddling with friends I met in clubs at university and such. :)

    Cuddling with animals is pretty awesome too. I get to cuddle with all sorts of furry friends when I am working through Rover doing pet sitting, pet boarding, pet walking, pet training, and so on. :)

  • [Deleted User]czw321 (deleted user)
    edited May 2018

    This is kinda true, except for one girl who I became pretty good friends. This seems wrong

  • edited May 2018

    @seanjax41 Seems to have been banned, but anyway ...

    Some of these issues are addressed here:

    -- one misconception about professional cuddling is that it is paying for affection.
    -- another is that there is no such thing as platonic cuddling.
    -- another is that cuddling always involves romance.

    So that leaves a few other objections he raised: professional cuddlers are being paid to "lie there and do nothing"; intimacy/affection is only appropriate in a romantic relationship, not with strangers; the claim that there is no scientific evidence for the therapeutic benefits of cuddling.

    So, those would be some good things to put in the Answering people who have doubts about cuddling thread some time ... thanks for the inspiration. :)

  • You guys are even friendly to the trolls lol, much more patience than i

  • sounds like this site is a scam

  • Wow, 2 trolls, same thread, same day, one banned just before the other shows up. Hmmm...

  • @MoonlightSonata That's a helpful article, because it refers to actual studies ... do you have any others?

  • bottom line cuddling is intimate and with a stranger there is no connection except for touching

  • guy above said there was many studies can you please site them or refer them to me. I read one guys profile that said he did it because he had an open marriage. I question that because obviously with an open marriage you don't like sex or touch with your wife so you look elsewhere for it

  • edited May 2018

    To answer the original question, "Is cuddling intimacy?" Yes! And platonic intimacy is a very cool thing. It's safe, innocent, pure and fun.

    @a_rufo "there is no connection except for touching" Well, there's the emotional connection too. That's part of what I'm looking for when I cuddle someone.

  • @respectful Same troll from earlier, is already banned, its not worth wasting your energy on

  • edited May 2018

    @pmvines Just thinking of the future readers of this thread.

    And man, he was banned pretty quickly!

  • edited May 2018

    Yes. Member has been banned. Though... all this can benefit many more to come. :)


    That's nice! :)

    I can be slow to warm up to though I can be affectionate. If I do have a life partner, personally I'd want to share the connection with just them apart from the occasional friendly hugs. I also want the same. Though that's my way. Not thee way for all. Though totally cuddles are/can be independent, and quite beneficial! :)


    Thanks for sharing! :)

  • [Deleted User]MoonlightSonata (deleted user)

    @Lovelight I think you should do what is comfortable for you. That is the most important thing. :)

    You should recognize the cuddling positions you like, the cuddling boundaries you have, and the situations you are willing and not willing to cuddle in. This is actually very helpful when you meet with people to cuddle. :)

  • You guys should lighten up! I'm not a troll I assure you, I've used this site and others. Some people may find the site, come to look and disagree for many reasons as strangers sometimes do. The worst thing IMO is to blast them, call them names and/or be thought police if you don't like what they say. Smh....

  • I call things how i see them, feel no need to coddle or sugar coat it. There is a difference between disagreement and attempting to start a flame war.

  • @pmvines

    Certainly! Agreed. :) :)


    I do. lol. :)

    Certainly! Likewise. Thanks for the support and welcome! :)

  • edited May 2018


    We are as light as day light. lol. How about OP, have you got any words for them (even if they're gone)? There is NO hostility by the way. We all too are giving our opinions and feedback. Peace. :)

    Meanwhile these kinds of things are like walking into an electronic store and complaining about how they don't sell food. Or how they should sell food along with electronics because "the two are not independent of each".

  • [Deleted User]MoonlightSonata (deleted user)

    @Lovelight That's great. And you are very welcome. XD

  • edited May 2018

    @seanjax41 & @a_rufo were the same person. The OP was banned for something unrelated to the forums and the extra account has been banned for attempting to circumnavigate being banned for the original reason. Thank you for everyone that reported.

  • [Deleted User]Spoonie (deleted user)

    Uh huh

  • I think CC site is great. It really depends on how you utilize it. The best part I like is the Forum. You get to learn about each other's experiences and perspective without personally stumbling across them. I see this community as a support group almost like a family. I am able to bounce off real life situations that I encounter and hear wisdom from you guys. The feedback and opinions have been incredible.

    Sure there will always be trolls like @seajax41, @a_rufo and others. But we all share the same vision and stick together.

    Recently I have gotten a message from someone far away but coming to NYC this week. He wanted to cuddle me while he's in town. I told him I need to get to know the person and feel comfortable enough to do so. He told him he has chatted with me via text more than his Tinder dates already what more do I need in order to cuddle him. I declined and he told me I should find another site to join. He stated that people signed up for this site to contact and cuddle with no other expectations or prerequisites. Is he wrong or am I too cautious? Too selective? To each's own in my opinion.

  • @angela10 no you are not being too cautious. He is treating this like a hook up site, not unlike tinder etc. People of course should know one another and feel comfy with the person they are meeting. If he is not wanting to get to know somebody and minimizes the fact that you don't feel ok about it, and then defends it by comparing you to a tinder hook up, then he my dear is the one who is on the wrong site.

  • edited May 2018

    @angela10 He was definitely out of line implying that you are obligated to meet straight away! Feeling comfortable (and safe) with people is really important.

    Some people are happy to meet fairly quickly, some not so quickly, but you certainly can't demand it from another person; that's very disrespectful.

    He said "no other expectations or prerequisites". That's half right; no expectations of something more than cuddling, because it's platonic. But people definitely have prerequisites - including personal preferences, their evaluation about whether they will click with the other person etc. A bit weird to think otherwise.

  • @pmvines and @respectful thanks for your validations. Unfortunately there are many guys here have the same mentality as him. At least most of the ones that sent me messages.

  • @angela10 unfortunately even on a site like this there are wolves and creeps , some even are quite active on the forums and have been around a while and seek to exploit and take advantage of folks . Seems like your radar is fairly keen , so trust your gut and don't be a pushover . Remember it's your energy, body , time , and attention , and nobody but you get to have an opinion about it

  • edited May 2018


    For sure what everyone else said. Comfort and readiness must be mutual. Generally people rush for some agendas (especially when combined with a lack of respect for your own pace), when that's not working they try to guilt trip and manipulate. Never fall for.

    Only you decide for you, when you are comfortable enough to proceed and if whatever checklist you've is being met. Personal comfort is that, personal :)

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