That One Special Cuddle Partner?

[Deleted User]Cudddddles (deleted user)

Just out of curiosity, for those who have cuddled various people in their lifetime: Who was (or are) your favoute / most memorable cuddle partner(s), and what made them so special?


  • If I cuddle with someone more than twice then she’s my favorite-

  • Difficult question to answer... I have one client who our souls just really connect, and it's lovely how cuddling allows that connection to flow through our bodies. But I also really enjoy my cuddles with a client on the autism spectrum. Our cuddles are just so simple and innocent. Lovely :-)

  • [Deleted User]grumpcat (deleted user)
    edited June 2018

    @ubergigglefritz ive been wondering, when pros have that deep of a connection with someone, isnt it hard to stay professional and not want more?

    More being between one another, not sexual acts i mean.

  • Ive had deeep deep deeeep connections with 80% of my clients. It takes a special open minded, caring person to be here and to open themselves up to a stranger for cuddles. But I just like clients need to, go into all sessions with a certain mindset and an understanding of what this time means and what it is for. Therapudic touch and connection. But also professionalism.
    That there can be a love there, and it's okay with enjoy conversation and cuddles with a person but maintaining that cuddle proffessionalism as long as money is involved and the love is a different kind of love.
    I also personally dont think there is anything wrong with a pro not seeing a client as a client anymore, if both parties were to possibly develope feelings and wanted to take it to an enthusiast cuddle. I don't think either party should wait around and hope for that, because that can lead to dissapointment, but if it happens, so be it. I think pros can be enthusiasts too, if thats something thry feel drawn too, or they feel they may need that in their life. And finding someone through here is one of the best ways.
    *personally havent done this, but its also something I wouldn't be opposed to in the future if the feelings were reciprocated. Life has no real rules or guidelines and if you feel somethin, you shouldnt repress it, because who knows what you could be missing, only got once on this earth(maybe) gotta make it a good one! Hehe. just my perspective, hypothetically. I've also thought about hiring a female pro in the future to kinda fill my energy up again as well, but also to see what the other side feels like. :blush:

  • @Brandi gave pretty much the perfect answer. =)

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