Travel time

How far in time or distance would you go for 2 hours of cuddle with pro?


  • [Deleted User]galowglass (deleted user)

    In my metro area, 0.5 hours travel for 1 hour of complete acceptance, peace, closeness and quiet was/is completely worth it. I took the slow, peaceful path home.

  • I think the answer depends on you and your situation. How much time do you have? What's your budget? And how far do you have to go to reach a good pro? I have traveled 2.5 hours for a session and have had someone drive maybe 3.5 hours to me before.

  • I travel/traveled 2.5 hours away maybe 3 especially if we have a few hours of cuddle time.

  • If there is hassle getting to & from cuddle session, this would impact goodness one gets from it...

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