Can anyone tell me how many clients you average per week, its a slow start for Halifax, N.S.

[Deleted User]Here4You2018 (deleted user)

Just trying to get this going in my town and wondering if its a good business to be in and if people have others showing much interest, you input would be appreciated.


  • Paul,
    It takes time to build a business but over time it's very rewarding. One thing I noticed is that it's a requirement to post a picture of yourself to be a professional on this site. You currently don't have one on your profile.

    Best of luck!

  • It's difficult. I have had to do a lot of work outside of this site as well. A lot of my business comes from other avenues (including even just talking to everyone about what I do).

  • Idk if there's an average until biz is so busy cuddling that I have to start declining slots in my day planner, lol.

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