Full Time Professional Cuddlers

[Deleted User]Spiderlad (deleted user)

I visited a Professional Cuddler the other day and she said that she is a full time Professional Cuddler. I'm really curious to see how many people here do Professional Cuddling full time. So I created this thread for people to share what its like to be a full time Professional Cuddler.

  1. Are you a Full Time Professional Cuddler?35 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No


  • I have a regular job which pays my bills. My city and area are very, very, very slow... If I did this full time, I'd likely have been evicted a while ago. Lol. Sometimes I am lucky and get an appointment per week or a dozen or so in a month. Other times it's radio silence. If I could do it full time reliably I totally would though!

  • I don't do anything else other than a random Rover job every now and then. But I don't make enough yet. Trying very hard to make this sustainable...

  • Agreed, full time cuddles here, but need a good full client base, with regular returns. Not in full swing yet

  • I never understood how someone could be a full time pro cuddler without going all in and setting up everything like a business

  • @EagleCuddles I agree with you and I think they would need to charge a lot more in order to make the business work if they were the only cuddler in their business. If they can hire a group of ladies and manage the client bookings and operations then maybe they could make it work while paying the ladies a lower wage. I just can’t make the numbers work.

  • Their are a number of professionals currently active who describe themselves as full time professional cuddlers. I don't doubt them, but I have noticed that most of them have some kind of support from a partner. It may just be the normal partner things such as splitting the rent, but it all helps.

    In the UK we had one serious cuddle agency, Nordic Cuddle. It was very, very good indeed. However, it has just announced that the business is shutting down. Covid has done for them. It's very sad news.

  • @CuddleDuncan I'm full-time and no other support, but it's taken a lot of sacrifice (to coincide with a lot of fulfillment 😉).

  • @ubergigglefritz yes you were the only one I could think of that I knew of for sure off the top of my head.

  • @ubergigglefritz would you be open to discussing the sacrifices you have to make to be a full-time cuddler either here or in my private messages? I would really like to learn more about this and about you. Thank you so much either way.


  • Ah. 😇 It's definitely not easy though. The past 10+ months have been very trying. 😞

  • @Importance it wasn't sustainable with my home, so I sold it and bought a motorhome. For one. I've been enjoying the change, but I could have just gotten another cube job again and kept my house. 🤷‍♀️ I love self-employment though, and prefer being "free" with fewer expenses, as opposed to being a slave to my "stuff".

  • Full time here.

    I have two passive income jobs that pay my bills and allow me to be widely available and travel to cuddle when things become slow locally. Like @ubergigglefritz I plan to buy a motorhome or a traveling tiny home so I can lower my expenses and travel more. It's incredibly freeing to have a working job I genuinely love.

  • @Envie, may I ask, do you think you could make an acceptable living from cuddling alone?

  • @CuddleDuncan I think I could. As of right now I turn down cuddle sessions because I can and need to for mental resets. I should say that I don't depend solely on CC for my clients.
    It would require me moving to a smaller home ( tiny / mobile ) but it's my dream to do that anyways so it wouldn't feel like a sacrifice.
    ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

  • @Envie, thank you. Good luck with it, whichever way you end up going. :)

  • @CuddleDuncan thank you! ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

  • edited January 2021

    When I’m living in Canada, I couldn’t live off of cuddling. I always get rehired at the chocolate factory and work 12 hour night shifts. But in Florida, I can do strictly cuddling. I make enough here in Florida that if I wanted to, I could live in Florida full time making more than enough to support myself. It’s our only income here in the states because my hubby is only Canadian and can’t work in the states yet.

    I am able to live pretty well off of cuddling now that I’m more well known here in Florida 🌸🌸

  • @Sheena123 that’s awesome! I was completely wrong then. I don’t don’t know why I thought you received disability income. I feel like I read it on your profile once. Completely my mistake. I’m sorry. For some reason I thought you had other income or a home that was already paid for. Thank you so much for your openness here. 🙏🏻

  • @Sheena123 post that bit about the chocolate factory on the chocolate thread on the main board, then sit back and watch ......

  • @Importance lol it’s all good. Maybe you read that on a different profile? I’ve always made sure I had a job, it just works out that cuddling is quite lucrative for me here in Florida. And at home full time night shifts baby! Lol

    @CuddleDuncan should I mention that I was a supervisor for over three years which might make me Willy Wonka? 😂😂

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