Nomadic Cuddler

edited December 2018 in Cuddle Requests

Greetings you beautiful people!

Hello, how are you this lovely day? My name is Sarah and I would like to share a little bit about my coming up plans...

This past year while I was working for Lyft, I asked passengers contribute travel suggestions for places all over the United States in what I call the Travel Journal. Well, I plan on doing everything in that book and currently it has over 150 pages written in it. I officially leave January 1st. How crazy is that! I predict that I will be on the road for 2+ years.

I have been preparing diligently for this epic long adventure with my partner. We minimized our apartment, built a custom trailer for our supplies, and bought what we need to live off the grid. This alone was no easy feat.

I am also an artist and I plan to paint what I see along the way. I brought a couple extra easels to paint with others too when the opportunity presents itself. I figure it would be a wonderful way to launch my art career.

The best part? I want to snuggle you along my trip! I would love the chance to have intimate encounters with people all over and learn from them and their experiences. I love the idea of having real connections with my fellow human beings. I also plan to visit those who might not get the opportunity to cuddle because they have no one in their area.

I have been a professional cuddle buddy for about two years now and I think it is just the most rewarding thing someone can do for another person. So often we are starved of physical contact and it takes such an impact on our physical and mental health. I also have more services (listed below) than most cuddlers, perhaps you see something that peaks your interest.

I am collecting names of people who want to schedule a session with me along my travels but I can't promise it will be right away due to my desire to take on this task at a slow pace. If you are interested, I welcome you to message me or even better, just leave a comment on this thread so I have everything in one place.

Tentative Future Locations I'll Be At In 2019:
-January 3rd (evening)-5th: Denver, CO
-January: North Carolina
-February: Texas
-March: Oregon/WA
-April: California
Hours of operation: 10pm-Midnight.

Will be able to book sessions closer to those dates. You must host unless I happen to have an Airbnb, hotel, or you want to essentially be "camping" while we snuggle in my large cozy tent, which honestly, I'm okay with during the warmer months.


-----Cuddle Session
I love to light some cinnamon candles, play some relaxing music and I even give back rubs. I can be your therapist, friend, comic relief, and/or your inspiration. Really, I just want to add value to your life.

I have many amazing and outrageous stories from my time here on Earth, and I also happen to be a great listener. I want to help you have a wonderful experience full of warmth, laughter, and relaxation. Let's get our snuggle on.

$15/hr travel costs (to and from if you host)

-----Platonic Dates
Want someone to go bowling with you? Bike ride? Hike? Hot tub? Skydive?! I love adventures. Love love love them lol.

Or maybe you want someone to share your special passion or hobby with. I would treasure you being my teacher and enriching my life with your knowledge. I'm a very curious being and I pick things up quickly. This dork here is who you've been looking for.

Need ideas? Check out my website

$45/hr, 2hr minimum
You must cover all costs of activities.
$15/hr travel costs.
I can provide driving to locations if needed.

-----Paint Party
I am also an artist. If you are interested in doing a paint party (acrylic paint on canvas), I provide the supplies and we can create art together.

$45/hr, 2 hr minimum
$15/hr travel costs (to and from if you host)

-----Phone/Skype Calls:
Can't meet in person? Conversation is so therapeutic. Why don't we chat some and you can tell me about yourself or let me share some of my life with you.

$1/min calls, 20 minute minimum.
Payment due 1hr before call.

-----Unicorn Sunggle:
I set up the romantic evening for you and your loved one in your own home with decorative lights, cinnamon candles and soft relaxing music. I then join you in providing snuggly platonic cuddles, massage, and yes, even offer a basic pedicure to keep those toes from clawing you unexpectedly.

I have done significant research on relationship skills that keep the love healthy and alive and can serve as a tool in making your night something far from ordinary.

I also have a site available for creative date ideas:

I look forward to meeting you.

$200 for 2 hrs (+20 mins needed for set up and break down)
$80/extra hour
$15/hr travel costs (to and from)

I do NOT give out my personal phone number, nor will I text you, so please refrain from giving it. I keep all contact on this site and thru paid Skype calls. No cologne or perfume please, I have allergies to far too many brands. Thank you.

If you live off of a disability income, I'll work with your budget.

All Cuddle Comfort’s rules apply to every session type, so I please ask that you abide by them at all times. Failure to do so will result in immediate termination of the session and no refunds will be issued. Any sexual harassment will be reported to the website.

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