Hagerstown, MD Cuddle ASAP

Anybody available ASAP?


  • I'm closing my eyes and giving u a great big hug!

  • @NoraBaby You might want to post your request in the "Cuddle Requests" section. Once the moderators see your post in the General section it may be moved there anyway.

  • edited January 2019

    Have you tried searching your area and reaching out directly? You might also look to a wider range from your location. I know it’s far, but NYC has a lot of cuddlers, for example. Who knows, maybe someone would be inspired to travel to you? Hugs from afar!

  • Thank you, Rose. This is sort of a rural area compared to others so finding a cuddler is tough. Especially one that JUST wants to cuddle. All we have here are meth heads and Uber drivers that ask you on dates.

  • [Deleted User]h1r0pr0tag0n1st (deleted user)

    Sorry to see you flooded by those characters. Good luck with your quest!

  • [Deleted User]patTheCuddler (deleted user)
    edited January 2019

    I like to occasionally travel to cuddle or just visit places. I see you are pretty close to Martinsburg, WV which is on my bucket list (although I would probably visit Morgantown at first). If you would be interested (and willing to cuddle with a guy), I would hit you up if I make plans to be in the area.

  • @patTheCuddler OP profile says she is looking to cuddle women just fyi

  • [Deleted User]patTheCuddler (deleted user)
    edited January 2019

    @pmvines : You are right - not my best comment, because I did see that. But reading her description of the attempt to find cuddlers, it seemed to me she has at least tried to find a male cuddler.

    @NoraBaby : Sorry for my earlier comment on your post, if you are no longer interested in cuddling with men.

  • I actually prefer a male cuddler. Need to change that on my profile.

  • @NoraBaby I just recently moved from your area. Well Baltimore, but anyway. I have cuddled with dozens of people near you. I suggest that you 1) choose your profile pic wisely. That's what attracts people to you initially. If you are getting mostly non platonic request ask them what makes them think that's what you are offering?. 2) be specific when you make your profile as to what you are looking for. 3) don't give up. Especially in MD, there are TONS of people cuddling and it may take a while to find your match. Instant gratification isn't always good

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