Just take a breath....

"The research findings show that the advice to “take a deep breath” may not just be a cliché. Exercises involving volitional breathing appear to alter the connectivity between parts of the brain and allow access to internal sites that normally are inaccessible to us. Further investigation will now gradually monitor what such access to parts of our psyche that are normally hidden can reveal."

Cited: https://qz.com/quartzy/1132986/neuroscientists-have-identified-how-exactly-a-deep-breath-changes-your-mind/


Note, the first site is a .com site, not an official scientific article, unlike the second, but I feel the inspiration of just "taking a breather" can not only help us balance and ground ourselves, but may be a biological enhancement of ourselves as a species. Which how we approach touch and balancing the platonic balance of understanding of the human body, mind, and spirit.

Thoughts or any other sources similar to the neuroscience of breathing? ? I'm ready to geek out on some science journal articles ?


  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    ...Do you enjoy reading this sort of thing?


    Research papers aren't pleasure reading for everyone in the world, but for those who like them, they can be pretty fun. (Note: Of the papers linked, I like 'The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect, and Stress in Healthy Adults' the best, because while 'The physiological effects of slow breathing in the healthy human' brings together a lot of previously gathered information, the Diaphragmatic Breathing one has an experiment. I like experiments.)

    Aren't science journals great? (Especially the ones with open access.) I like raw data! Nothing beats a neatly plotted graph.

    ...Except maybe a neatly plotted plot, but that's something else again.

  • Thanks for sharing! I prefer health claims when they come equipped with science. Otherwise we're just snake oil salesmen.

    However, lots of pursuits are good for you. Should I do slow breathing AND cuddling AND go to bed on time AND go out with my friends AND meditate AND eat well AND exercise AND make enough money to be able to afford all those pursuits BUT don't work too hard?

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @AdmiralSpunky: Evidence is important. Also—of course one can't do every healthy thing in the world! But it is nice to get a menu.

  • @DarrenWalker
    I have just now sat down and finished reading the research papers. Thank you for sharing!!

    @AdmiralSpunky I am sure there is. Evidence is key. Science rules.

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