Looking for an activity buddy around Pennsylvania or New Jersey

edited January 2019 in Cuddle Requests

A little different request here. Looking for female who will be okay with just hanging out while doing activities like bowling who will also be okay with hugging me occasionally during our outings. I would prefer this to be a friend. This is different as i'm not requesting a cuddle session. More just of a platonic outing. I live in Pennsylvania. You should be local too in order for this to work. Also please be around my age (20-29).


  • *Goes to a site specifically for cuddling.
    “I’m not looking to cuddle.”

    Do you ever go to burger places and expect pizza?

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    It's also fascinating how often newbies seem to think the General Discussions category is for requests.

    On a separate note, @hogboblin, some pros (this one, for example) offer platonic services other than cuddling. Interesting, isn't it? I don't understand it either... but it seems that, to expand your metaphor, this site might be more of a Bubba's 33 than a Burger King. But most definitely without cherry sundaes.

  • @DarrenWalker

    Strange. But still, they’re “looking for a friend”. Nowhere did they state that they’re looking for a professional who is willing to provide non-cuddling platonic services.

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @hogboblin: "Platonic outside dates to dinner, movies, special events, or other activities: $50/hr" seems likely to cover bowling.

    Friendly activities are offered. And if the pros are doing it....

  • edited January 2019


    I just realized how asinine my posts were. Ugh. Please kill me.*

    • Added again. I have no idea what I’m doing.
  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)
    edited January 2019

    @hogbobin: ....Hmm. Not sure I'd care to do that.

    For your consideration:

    "Elves were skilled at leaving things alive, often for weeks."
    —'Lords and Ladies', Terry Pratchett

    Edit: Aw. You took out the good part.
    Second edit: ...Yay.

  • Hey hog... many eat places serve alternate main course , separate from a specialty in case of...

    “ waitress, I’ll have the mushroom burger , but , is the hamburger ground from slaughtered prime angus beef?”

    “No , it is USDA choice , not prime”

    “Uh ,.... I’ll have the pepperoni pizza instead”

  • @StarWarsFan sounds like you’re on the wrong site, you might want to try rentafriend.com instead...

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