Has anyone noticed a racial component

I’m curious, not that I’ve witnessed this at all, but i wonder if there is any racial bias involved in people accepting cuddle requests? I’m sure women are more cautious to who they have cuddle sessions, and i understand why, but i wonder is race a factor in some of the choice people make.


  • edited January 2019

    I highly, highly doubt that you’re going to hear anyone admit to having racial biases.

    Is race a factor while cuddling for some people? Undoubtedly. It’s unfortunate, but it’s also how people work.

  • I'm fairly new to this, having only been cuddling about 2-3 months. So far, I have cuddled with white, black, indian, latino. I don't ask their race prior to cuddling and often times I don't ask for a photo prior to meeting them (I probably should for safety reasons if nothing else). As a pro cuddler, I'm open to cuddling all races, ages, sizes and shapes. When searching for a personal cuddle buddy for myself, I would likely choose someone big and bear-like, regardless of race. I'm not a small girl so I like men who are bigger than me.

  • Just as in any interaction there can be. Would be nice if it didnt exist but it does. Am not sure how prevalent . I know that often dating preferences are applied to cuddling. If you feel that has happened i am sorry. I hate to hear that.

  • One black woman i met here and have cuddled with several times has a preference for dating black men even though she is friemds with all walks of life. So if one were applying dating preferences then they would be bias toward who they cuddle. She however is an example of someome who does not equate platonic cuddling with dating so there is no bias to it. Which in theory is the way the site envisions the users to be.

  • edited January 2019

    We are Human beings. That means we all have biases. Can't get around it.

  • I haven’t experienced it at all. I just joined. But i was just wondering if anyone experienced it. I have no preference personally

  • Nope i dont see it

  • From the Pro side, I don't see any issues in regards to race. Personally I do not care what race my cuddle partner is. I am accepting of all races. I care more about whether the person will be nice, respectful, and safe. In my 4 years of experience as a cuddler, I've encountered some bad apples of all races. We are all human, regardless of the color of our skin and have the same basic affection needs such as hugs, cuddles, and someone to listen to and accept us.

  • Oh god this

  • [Deleted User]chococuddles (deleted user)

    I was going to comment first on this but decided to wait.

    Went down about how I figured.


  • I don't care what race people are, I cuddle people no matter what color they are as long as they're nice and not creepy. Somehow, this reminded me of a situation where I asked a guy for a face pic before meeting up(safety reasons) & he sent me a pic of his chin to his nose. He insinuated that I didn't want to meet because of his color.

  • @freddyfoxx " is race a factor in some of the choice people make."

    People do it without even realizing it. Might be one reason why a lot of profiles don't have a photo.

    @roxypelagio333 " I asked a guy for a face pic before meeting up(safety reasons) & he sent me a pic of his chin to his nose. He insinuated that I didn't want to meet because of his color."

    Ironically, because he wouldn't show his face he probably discouraged you from wanting to pursue anything further, which on his end probably just confirmed his preconceived idea.

    Friend of mine recently was treated poorly by someone behind the counter at a coffee shop and assumed the guy was a racist. Then he observed the guy treating other people poorly and said he realized the guy wasn't a racist, he was a jerk to everyone.

    In my personal life, I've cuddled with people of many races. From this site, they've either been Caucasian Americans or from India or Pakistan.

  • That’s good to know, i know it will occasionally happen for various reasons. I was just trying to get a feel of how people on here think. It’s been my experience that men of color get avoided a lot, that’s been my experience, I’m not saying on this site at all.

  • Yes, I am biased against race. I hate NASCAR. Always have.

  • edited January 2019

    I'm sure every factor is taken into consideration but probably the most prevalent are age and sex.

  • "That’s good to know, i know it will occasionally happen for various reasons. I was just trying to get a feel of how people on here think."

    I'd like to think it doesn't matter to me. I'm also smart enough to know that even when we don't know it, we all have our biases, and it's better to be aware of them than to pretend like they don't exist.

    "Yes, I am biased against race. I hate NASCAR. Always have."

    I have to agree with that but I do like bicycle race.

  • I’m partial to foot races

  • edited January 2019

    @freddyfoxx Thank you for facilitating conversation about the topic of race, related to cuddling. For me personally age, race, gender and sexual orientation does not matter, in terms of cuddling. What does matter to me are acceptance, comfort for both parties, atleast some similar interests, and open minded thought process, in terms of potential cuddle buddies. From experiences, I have cuddled many people of diverse ages, races, orientations, genders and locations. Acceptance of diversity has granted me new friends, exposure to people from many walks of life and overall led to increased happiness. On this site for me personally race, has not been a big factor. Many types of people have chosen me as a cuddle buddy. ? Despite my open ideas for cuddle buddies, I do not expect or force other people to share my views on race, gender, age and etc. We all must decide personally what we are looking for.

  • I see more people from the states on this site making mention of their then say someone from Canada or the UK. Don't know if that makes any difference but I can't help but wonder if it's a fixation particularly with Americans

  • @SeekerStar8 - As someone who has lived in Europe and the USA, I can confirm that race is a much more prevalent and sensitive topic in the USA than in Europe. And that is due to the history of slavery, segregation and discrimination in the USA. Most people of color did not originally come here voluntarily as they did to Europe.

  • Yeah it's a much bigger thing in the states I think. I never really have it come up in canada, at least not in my living experience.

  • Unfortunately, nationalism tinged with a racial component is experiencing a 21st century reboot in both Europe and the US. One would think the world has amnesia about root factors of WW1 and 2.

  • [Deleted User]patTheCuddler (deleted user)

    I don't know if I have ever faced racial discrimination on this website. In real life, however I have an easier time dating or being friends with people of all ethnicities...except one. I believe I have been trying to compensate for this by seeking people of this particular ethnicity to cuddle with. The more time I spend in Seattle, the more this disparity of behavior becomes apparent to me. However, what I have been doing to compensate for that is not ideal. After realizing this, I have been trying to find cuddle partners in the real world irrespective of ethnicity. It is weird and unfair to compensate for racial discrimination by perpetuating more racial discrimination.

  • I'm a pro cuddler & I wholeheartedly agree with @Missy87 comment above. Race & also age is a NON issue for me. I welcome ALL as long as their nice, reliable (not flakey) & respectful. My review karmas serves as proof of all the various races & ethnicities of my wonderful cuddling experiences ?.

  • edited January 2019

    For me, race is not a factor.

    Anyone, from any race can be amazing and a good match. Depends on the person. ?

  • Race, gender and age never put me off from cuddling someone. A warm heart draws me in.

  • @UKGuy - "Most people of color did not originally come here voluntarily as they did to Europe."

    You know, I can't believe I've gone this long in life and this difference between the U.S. and Europe never was obvious to me.

    I'm also aware that lightness/darkness of skin color is something people are aware of in other countries/cultures. And racial identity, too. But that particular thing . . . somehow it has never occurred to me in quite that way before. Thanks.

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