Are people usually able to come pick you up?

Hi, I'm 23 I'm thinking of actually using this site, but i don't have a car and i can't easily have company where i live right now, there's no where around really to walk to. Would people usually be willing to come pick you up?


  • absolutely, I have at several occasions, it worked out good, it gave some time to talk.

  • Is Uber or Lyft not available where you live? I don't have a car either so I use that.

  • Looks like you live in a semi-rural area of NH. Good for you not having a car! If you can find cuddlers in NH, they should give you a ride. My 2 cents.

  • Thank you for answering, i just happen to be desperate and this site is the only thing i could think of that might help.

  • I have had people pick me up. I do ask for ID before I get in the vehicle. I also ask for the address we are going and I send that information to my safety team.

  • [Deleted User]MissMalloy (deleted user)

    Yup I actually just got back from a cuddle where I was picked up and dropped off.

  • edited February 2019

    Personally, I wouldn't get in the car of a stranger. I would have to get to know someone first before I would take that risk. You need to consider your personal safety above everything else. Tell them you've texted their licence plate number to a friend.

  • Once they pick you up your options to leave an appointment dwindled to almost nothing. I do not think your parents would advise that under any circumstance.

  • Agree with @UKGuy and @FunCartel... very risky - take your time and dont be getting into trouble... remember that once you are in that car and it is rolling you could be taken anywhere and it is very difficult to get back out - also, as @funnycuddles says you should always let someone know where you are going, which is impossible if you dont know... be safe!

  • What would be important to know before meeting them?

  • [Deleted User]SoulcuddlerZ (deleted user)

    @Wildcat95h I believe you should have a phone and/or video chat before meeting in person, especially if they’ll be coming to pick you up. An additional safe tactic would be sharing your location with one of more trusted friends or family members when you’re with the stranger in question.

    I would note that Google Maps may be of benefit in this regard. You’re allowed to share your real-time location with another Google user and/or via web link, and you can decide whether for a set time or indefinitely. That would be a good way to let someone know where you are in case of concern or emergency.

    As far as important information, some people request ID information as an extra precaution. You should also take note of the address he says that he would bring you. If he brings you elsewhere without prior indication, it’s a problem.

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