
[Deleted User]ivlegend (deleted user)

Wondering what will be the best thing to do on your birthday. If you are not able to arrange a cuddle session due to unavailability of pros. Should one be sad or just think this day is just like another day.


  • Yeah, being sad is always a great option.

    Or, honestly, your birthday is typically on the same day every year, start planning as far ahead as you want, maybe save some money to go see a pro that's further away, if you can, or plan a dinner out with some friends, if you've got any. Get excited, make something happen!

  • All I need is a card from each of my daughters and I'm happy.

  • I think you should do what you want.

    I usually plan ahead and do something a little special with at least one other person. It might be going out to dinner or inviting some friends over.

  • Try arson! Or lots of cocaine. Last year I broke into a maternity ward and offered twelve children to our dark lord, Satan.

  • @hogboblin Alcohol and percoset are more a birthday celebration drug for me which rules out arson as that is more an amphetamine activity. Sacrifices to satan is pretty much a year round activity however, birthday or not.

  • Okay, I have to share what happened on my last birthday cuz it was awesome and a complete surprise.

    Usually I like to do something with someone else but this year there were two nights of dancing in Chicago (300 mile drive) and I decided to go, even if it meant spending the day driving alone and then dancing with total strangers.

    I had a roommate, a Saudi student, who started asking me questions earlier in the week about how Americans celebrate birthdays. Do you do it on the day of your birthday? When does that begin? Does it begin at midnight? I thought nothing of it, he would often ask questions about how we do things here.

    The night before my birthday, I came home from work pretty late. I work til 9 p.m. and then went to the grocery store. When I got home, he asked if I was going to bed early since he knew I wanted to get an early-ish start on the drive. I told him I didn't want to stay up too late but I'm always up at least until midnight. We started chatting, I was thinking shoot, I really wanted to finish packing but what the heck, people are more important, he seemed like he really wanted to chat. At a point he said, "Wait a minute, hold that thought, I'll be right back." I thought he was going to the bathroom. A couple of minutes later he came back with a birthday cake and two purple (my color) candles. He had waited until about 3 minutes after midnight. I was completely surprised and delighted. He told me, "Make a wish and blow out the candles," so I did. Then he sang "Happy Birthday." It was cute that he got the elements right but in reverse order. There was also a lovely gift from the Saudi woman I'd met. Really, the whole thing was such a surprise, so thoughtful and generous.

    I drove to Chicago the next day and had a great time dancing that night.

  • @hogboblin and @pmvines , you guys crack me up.

    Caffeine is my drug of choice. I'd go for getting cranked up on cola and staying up all night, find some vacant building in a deserted neighborhood and throw stones and break windows. Lightweight, I know.

  • I try to be one with the carpet/couch/bed on my birthday. Basically, being a winter baby, I'm in tune with hibernating so I loaf about and do as close to nothing as possible. That and my birthday tended to be forgotten anyways since its toward the end of February so going out to party was either iced out or everyone is still broke from Christmas and are begging for tax returns.
    As for my birth-sloth-day, I've weighed the pros and cons of learning to self cath so I don't have to move, but I figured I'd eventually have to empty the bag anyways so might as well get up. My goal is to recreate the life of a sea cucumber for the day and scarf down any sugar that had the unfortunate luck of being within reach.

    ... I wished this was a joke...

  • My bday is Feb, as well as my mothers and my brothers. We dont really celebrate individually but rather choose an arbitrary date in between to all go out to eat, each buying our own food of course so as the other person does not have to spend money on somebody else on their birthday...

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