Beware "Alaskan" scammer

Kudos to the admins for catching another one. I was contacted by a very lovely lady near Ankorage Alaska, and after expressing regret that she was so far away, she pulled the old one, "pay my plane ticket and I'll come see you". I countered that I'd rather visit there since there's historical sites I'd want to go see anyway. It looks like she was contacting others since she was quickly banned. I remember how Russian scammers would do that all the time when I had a Match dot com account.


  • Wait a second...

    It’s usually a scam when people ask for you to buy them plane tickets?

    What about when a person needs some money because their children are starving to death? And when those same children are also limbless? And blind?

    Dang. I might have been had.

  • @hogboblin Well, if throwing money away at scammers in other countries is your fetish, then all the power to you.

  • @Fredrick_Hugs

    Nah, I’m not into pay pig stuff. I’m just very gullible, apparently. I thought those sightless stumps needed help.

  • It probably wasn't even a woman.

  • [Deleted User]SoulcuddlerZ (deleted user)

    Yes, the user in question was indeed banned after multiple reports and consistent questionable behavior on her part. 23 MAR 2019 4:44 EDT. Closed.

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