Taking a bresk

I’ve been uneasy with the forums for a while now. Some of my thoughts are in grand opposition to what seems to be the prevalent opinion on topics. I find in general there is too much animosity, and I feel readers are sometimes being used by posts where someone describes obvious abusive messages and asks for dialogue on the propriety of such abuse, which they are given. It’s just been frustrating to me. There are members in the forums that I think of as friends and/ or that I respect greatly, but I’m just going to give up the forums starting now, through the end of April. I’m not leaving the site, just taking a break from the forum section. If you miss me, send candy.



  • You hanging around long enough to read responses?

  • @mickcuddle
    I'm curious how readers are being used. Aren't we free to be silent or free to disagree?

  • So be silent and let him be.

  • It isn't a debate he's asking for, he's been a fixture for years, many of us appreciate his notice.

    Stop @Esquire

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    Well said, @PaulaDahla. Yeah, I kind of wanted to argue the "readers being used" thing, and ask for more information on the thoughts in grand opposition to the prevalent opinion (not to mention being curious about what kind of candy we're supposed to send)—but this is clearly just a notification for friends, so I left it alone.

  • [Deleted User]chococuddles (deleted user)

    Enjoy the time off and enjoy your break desk - I mean bresk. (you know I had to do it)

    We'll miss ya!

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    @chococuddles let's hope he's feeling great and comes back soon, so he can have a brisk bresk.

  • I m taking a bresk too , because tax season is upon me and I would do it sooner but the banks seem to take their sweet ass time sending out their annual statements.
    Also ,April starts the planting season , ( zone 7)it’s off to the home center to fill the truck with annuals, mulch , and time to get out the landscaping gear for tune ups , sharpening blades , greasing and deferred maintenance. Should of done that all winter .

  • I fully understand why Mick is taking a break. I wish him well.

  • Okay I'm jealous @cuddlerforu24 looking forward to your return.

    Enjoy your mute Michael ~

  • Sorry to hear about anyone feeling that way, but I absolutely respect needing a break from social interaction; everyone has their batteries to recharge!

    I’ve been thinking about it myself, but I tend to take breaks from individual topics or draining people instead of from a whole group; the latter seems wise though. Take care. ?

  • Seems to be catching, have a good bresk @navyman1010. Say hi when you come back around.

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