What is everyone doing today???

I am enjoying my workout at the gym.



  • [Deleted User]CharlesTwisted (deleted user)

    Working on my next crochet blanket...

  • edited April 2019

    I let a friend of mine test out her taser on me a few weeks ago. Today, I’ll be reading The Werewolf of Fever Swamp to her. It’s one of my favorite Goosebumps stories, and should be sufficiently amusing to modify as I read aloud.

    Children’s stories are exceedingly easy to change on the fly, which allows for a dynamic reading experience. Given that The Werewolf of Fever Swamp takes place in the south, my interpretation of the tale will likely contain nods to the film Deliverance.

    It turns out that tasers mostly sound unpleasant. Having had the device pressed against my forearm, upper arm, chest, and the space in between my shoulder and neck (for varying lengths of time), I can say with certainty that it would not stop an attacker. I would recommend to anyone looking for a personal defense item to consider mace, or a knife.

    Any direct contact made to the skin resulted in some itchy, vibrantly red bumps, however.

  • [Deleted User]CharlesTwisted (deleted user)


    Pepper spray is the best “last line” of self-defense. Light, non-lethal, and brutally effective if you are calm enough to deliver the shot of it into your attacker’s face.

    The best defense, as always, is “Don’t be there.”

    The VAST majority of true defense classes are spent on awareness, assessment, and avoidance.

    Tasers are sold in various grades, but some people are simply immune, or near enough, to make them dodgy.

  • That's a gorgeous looking blanket Charles. I seriously admire and envy those who can crochet such cool projects. I never got the hang of crocheting, but I am kind of a knitter. Recently picked up the hobby again for the first time in about 6 years though I started with knitting club in 5th grade. Apparently crocheting is easier according to a relative who does it... But I just don't see it! Might work on my latest project tonight which is to be a checkerboard garter stitch scarf.

  • [Deleted User]CharlesTwisted (deleted user)


    Nice basket weave!

    I have only been crocheting since last September, but I adore it.

    Creative, functional, stress relief.


  • Right?! I find yarnwork and sewing etc to be so very calming. Especially if I do it to center myself from a bad mood swing, since some patterns require me to count as I go.

  • Wow everyone seems to be in the Weaving business. The point is everyone is being productive in their own way.

  • I'm cuddling Fanny. No REALLY. She's my chihuahua. Cos no of you meanies is interested.

  • edited April 2019


    All good points. I’m not too knowledgeable when it comes to self-defense. Telling a 5’1, 90 pound woman that she should “jam her thumbs into an attacker’s eyes and then crush their skulls, like Gregor Clegane from Game of Thrones” was my idea of sage advice.

  • @CharlesTwisted @Catloaf I have been mainly crochetY for at least the last five years. Does that count?

  • [Deleted User]CharlesTwisted (deleted user)


    The first part, maybe...

    If the defender is TRULY determined.

    But not being there is the safest course. I’m a large, strong, trained, and experienced former thug, and if my “spidey-senses” tell me to get up and get out I get up and get out.


    You’ve been at it longer than I have. Nice!

  • Definitely more than me too Henry! All in all I have maybe only knitted for 6 months out of my whole odyssey with it lol.

  • @CharlesTwisted If a thug can take up needlepoint, then there really is hope for the world...

  • [Deleted User]CharlesTwisted (deleted user)

    Well, crochet, but sure.

    (My hands are fine for drumming, or larger tools like a crochet hook, but needles are TINY for these paws...)

  • My apologies for the false comparison

  • Wow this appears to be the most cordial and convivial discussion strand I have ever dipped my toe in on this site. What could go wrong here...

  • [Deleted User]CharlesTwisted (deleted user)


    Think nothing of it my friend, I still call it the wrong thing...


  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    I do all kinds of crafts. I like to think I'm an exceptionally crafty person!





    Macrame and beading.




    Sewing and gluing.


    But tonight all I'm making is salad.

  • I'm going for a coffee with a friend ( does not look as exciting now it's written down!).

  • So now we have a "What are you doing right now?" thread, and a "What are you doing today?" thread. Someone ought to start a "What are you going to do tomorrow?" thread, or a more interesting one might be "What did you wish you'd done today but didn't?".

  • I'm sitting on the sofa and coughing a lot. And sleeping a lot. And sipping on water and ginger ale. Bronchitis.

  • @CharlesTwisted @hogboblin

    In Michigan the same training and license is needed for a taser as is needed for a handgun. I therefore prefer a 9mm or even a .380 semiautomatic pistol. When your life is on the line, distance is your friend.

    If you're trained enough to be good enough with a knife, you probably don't need it. For many, that knife will be taken from you. Again, in this State there is a blade length limit of 2.5 inches and switch blades (auto open) can't be carried.

    Pepper spray is legal and an increased percentage of the burning component was approved a few years ago. Being in an enclosed space and windy weather can compromise the value in self defense.

    I would never recommend a knife to a person in need of a self defense weapon. Seen too many pics of knife wounds.

  • @UKGuy What about "What Did You Do Today That You Wish You Didn't".

  • After I'm done here, I'm going to sign up for a martial arts seminar this weekend. Then later today I will buy some comic books and go to a martial arts class (not the same art the seminar is in). And I want to get some laundry done. Hopefully announcing that publicly will help remind me to do it.

    Hey, you asked. :)

  • Everyone is breathing. At least I hope they are.

  • edited April 2019

    I am coming up with a plan to cuddle a mermaid. The plan is not going well.

  • edited April 2019

    Much love mis amigos (my friends).

  • Working in Yosemite National Park of course. Later, on Monday I'll be having a cuddle buddy meeting with a cool lady that attended my group cuddle.

  • Unfortunately, not cuddling

  • @Fredrick_Hugs I admit to being jealous of you working in Yosemite. I would love to have a job in a National or State park, even if it involves doing the grunt work of readying trails for the season, wielding a shovel is an excellent way to spend a day and get paid. Well unless it's in the 90's and the humidity and dewpoint are in the 80's or 90's, then I'd rather wield a computer keyboard or a steering wheel!

    Good luck on the upcoming cuddle.

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