Why are so few Pro females unable to host?

I can't find a single pro in my area who will host. I can't bring young women to my home and I'm not going to rent a hotel room for the same price I'm paying for 1 hour of cuddling. Seems like pros are missing out on a lot of potential business from married men by not hosting.



  • I imagine that professional cuddles that find themselves unable to host, much like you, have practical reasons why they cannot. If you’re willing to pay for a hotel, I’ve noticed that a lot of professional cuddlers will provide an hour of additional cuddling to compensate for the price of the hotel.

  • That's an interesting idea. No one has suggested that to me, but I'll propose it as a possibility and see what people say.

  • What about bringing old women to your house? :p :p

  • @Worthy , that was my first thought!! :p

  • This is not brain surgery....many of them are single moms and have young ones at home. I would be uncomfortable going to a home where children are. Not because I dislike children, but quite the opposite, I care about them and do not want the image of their mom bringing strange men into the home and having it seared into their mind for the rest of their life.

  • For some, it's about safety as well. Its not my preference to host, but I can understand why it's helpful for those who can't host.
    You might also consider some creative places to cuddle, like parks or other public venues.

  • I've never had any issues with hosting. I don't have kids though.

  • @drydorn , First of all, you seem to be confusing this with something else. Cuddlers are there to provide touch to those missing it in thier lives and to comfort them. It's different from what I believe you think it is. This is not something which you can do in an hour and just say goodbye. There's also safety issues, yes, it's better for them to either do it in a hotel or at the mans home. Many of them don't want the man to know where they exactly live, especially if the man doesn't have a clear understanding of the type of relationship being established or by nature. Others don't want strange men coming in at all hours, so that neighbors think something else is going on.

    There are many other reasons which I can list but these are some of them.

    Oh, if you are looking for a quick hour or s__ suggest you go somewhere else.

    Alan (LEV 136)

  • @Lev136 Some people's budget limits them to one hour. I have multiple clients who see me for only one hour (though it is more common with my therapeutic clients). I'm more skeptical of people who just ask for a half hour ?. I haven't spoken directly with @drydorn , but his post here and his profile don't immediately send off any red flags... I agree that an hour isn't long enough, but that's all some people can afford. I wouldn't make assumptions ?

  • @ubergigglefritz , we disagree again. To me when a guy speaks of seeing young women, and that there is a potential for cutting into the market of married men. I wanted him to understand the nature of this site....and one hour is what many men are looking for in a s__ worker.

  • You could very well be right, but I just don't ostracize for grey flags ? Lots of people can only afford one hour. Married men are a population of clients who can't host. Most professionals are young women. I need more information before I can make conclusions...

  • I’ve ran into a lot recently that can’t host and don’t have a car lol. How do you expect to do business when everyone on here is so spread out

  • @ubergigglefritz , yes, but they fall somewhere in the red as well......

  • Even though my son is 18 I am very selective with who I bring home . Some things are just my own business and I am a fairly private person. I also don't feel comfy with folks who I don't know well in my home .

  • For me it's in the grey. As a professional, I don't judge until I have more facts. I could be wrong. I could be right. I believe greater damage is done by judging before knowing as opposed to simply stopping to ask more questions. That's one thing that makes me good at what I do. People come to me to be heard and not judged. So that's what I do until they give me full evidence to do anything different. Even then, I still don't judge. I just inform them that isn't what I provide, and I thank them for being honest with me. That's what keeps me safe. Acceptance, understanding, a safe space to be honest with me. I don't want to waste anyone's time or money arranging a session that is not a good fit.

  • @pmvines , I am a single man, no kids, never married, 60 years old. I have hosted many times. If I don't feel right about it I can just cut the session off. That has happened to me only once.

    @ubergigglefritz , I agree, you can't judge a book by it's cover, but sometimes there are things that you cannot ignore. I am someone who others judge all the time because of my physical traits, so I know the importance of not judging others. Furtermore, I am a professional social worker. I know what you are saying.

  • I think the fact that I have clients who are married, can't host, and who only do one hour sessions, is proof enough that I shouldn't judge with just those facts alone... ? Nothing he said is untrue. Not being able to host cuts you off from most married potential clients. Most professional cuddlers are young women - people he couldn't have coming to his house, as a married man. All true.

  • @Lev136 I hear you . What I am saying is that those are your circumstances . I can see your side for questioning why someone doesn't want to host. I can also see the persons point if view for not wanting to host . Different strokes

  • I don’t understand the refusal to host because of safety . Being scared of the lion but willing to go into the lions den ?

  • @cuddlerforu24 I think it is due to not wanting the lion to know where you live. Once someone knows you and your families address and all your personal details they can really make your life difficult .

  • @pmvines - I see it both ways if you read my previous posts. Not everybody wants you to know much about them. I was just saying what I do in terms of hosting, but can certainly understand why someone else , especially a cuddler, would not want to host so fast, they have to be safe...as everybody else who hosts.

  • Oh . I didn’t know hosting requires disclosure of ones personal details

  • @Lev136 oh ok gotcha
    @cuddlerforu24 home address is a rather personal detail....

  • @pmvines .. ok . So, you are recommending that no one host . And all cuddling encounters take place at a public area or hotel ?

  • edited June 2019

    @cuddlerforu24 Nope . I am saying if you don't want to host for whatever reason it's your prerogative and I understand . I sometimes host , sometimes don't , and others are free to do the same .

  • So I will be safer once I'm hosting in my RV? You may know where I am today, but I'll be somewhere else tomorrow ? haha.

  • @ubergigglefritz hey at least you have a getaway car if things go sideways ?

  • Yeah it sounds like the moral of the story is not to make assumptions. When others preference with hosting doesn’t align with yours either move on or be flexible. I know i don’t prefer to host because of all the care it would take to prepare, hide the children seeing garments in the back room, put the drugs and money in the closet. You know cleanup.

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