Apologies to all my clientele

I just wanted to let everyone know how terribly sorry I am for being so distant. I’ve suffered a server back injury I’m not exactly sure what it’s from but it’s left me bedridden and practically unable to walk. The only time I can escape the pain is when I force myself to sleep so I’ve been unconscious for nearly 4 days straight. I should be back online now, though my symptoms have not gotten much better I have begun to drive again and walk short distances. Please forgive any inconvenience this predicament has caused


  • @tmil0890

    Cynthia, may I suggest this is the least likely section to reach your clientele. Try the general section, or better, put this in your profile. Get better soon.

  • @CardiacKid It was in the general section but I moved it here as it's limited to professional cuddling.

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