Still New to the Site

edited July 2013 in Root
How come you can access the people's profiles on this discussion forum? Just trying to find people close to my area. Any advice? Doesn't look good for the search results. No ones ever on!


  • [Deleted User]sushimike (deleted user)
    More towards the bottom of the search filters under "additional options" one says "online" make sure you select "no" so that it will give you people who are not necessarily online at that moment. Also, if you're still not finding anyone there may not be too many people in your area. I know personally there are only like 10 people total near by and most of them have not signed on in like 5+ months, I am assuming they left and are probably not coming back. Unfortunately there are not a lot of people on this site yet. There was actually another forum that talking about spreading the word about this site.
  • If I send a message to someones page though, does it send them an email? So eventually they'll get my message?
  • [Deleted User]sushimike (deleted user)
    if they have their notifications set to on, then yes they will get a notification email. But the other problem is how often they check that email and if they see it, and if they don't think is is spam of some sort. So you got a lot working against you but I actually did send those women who haven't been on in a few months anyways because you never know.
  • For sure. Just want some genuine TLC bro. It's tough. Lol!
  • I'm a genuine guy you know with needs. I get it. It's about gaining trust. Oxytocin is a great hormone.

  • My only fear is running into overweight 18-21 year old pregnant mothers. I can't think of anything more desperate than that. Lol.
  • Single Mothers that is.

  • Have you had any success?

  • [Deleted User]sushimike (deleted user)
    I haven't had any success yet but like I said, there are not a lot of people in my area on the site yet and the women that are in my area are either a bit too far or haven't been on in a long time. I think if you want to meet more people on this site you need to get the word out that this site even exists. There are printable PDF's that you can use to post in public areas. You can probably also try to post things on other websites that allow you to do that.
  • 1. A lot of people HAVE met cuddle buddies on the site. I havent, but the site is still building reputation. There's about 20 women in my area, and I send them friendly private messages that they should add profile details and a picture.

    2. I actually do an advanced Twitter search for the word "cuddle" in my area, and then send people tweets about it. I've definitely gotten members in my area.

    3. While it is TOTALLY okay to have preferences of who you do and don't snuggle with, I recommend that you be considerate of labelling a category of people as "desperate" or negative. You're just as "desperate" as anyone else on this website, and young, overweight mothers need touch as much (or possibly more) than the rest of us. Its gotta hurt a helluva lot for anyone in that category to read what you just wrote...
  • Hi I'm new too. I just registered today. There are 2 gals in my area. I sent them PMs but I don't count on it seeing as their profiles say they haven't signed on in 3 and 16 months ago. sigh.
  • The good news is that people usually get an email if someone messages them, so even dormant people may get interested.

    Also, see my post about above about twitter ;)

  • ..That was really sweet. And that's a good idea..I should mention this place to my friends-just need to personally confirm the extent of the safety here.

    But yeah, just thought I'd mention that, heh. ^~^.
  • Just looking for people in my area houston tx
  • Same here. Any Houston ladies interested in meeting up?
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