Extended an extra 30 minutes

When I go to extend my last session it will only accept 1 hour segments. My client extended 30 minutes. How to I add the 30 minutes to my session?


  • That, I think, would be worked out between you and the client. As a client, I have extended sessions by 30 minutes and just paid the extra when I arrived. If the site can’t accommodate this then it is the only way to do it. Some of us have precise schedules and are squeezing in as much time as we can in a small time frame.

  • I assume you're asking for fee purposes. Maybe just make it so dollar amount it equals like change rate to $50 and then put in three hours and that will equal one and a half hours

  • I think for those that want to extend, just do the extra through PayPal or etransfer, unless they were prepared and brought extra cash. Extra cash brought scares me though, because some try to get you to do “extra” which is horrible 😩 maybe ask a moderator because for all I know, accepting an extra $40 is a no no for professionals.

    Or the professional can just change the price in the booking panel. If I charge $80/hour but they want an extra half hour during the actual session, I think you can still change the price in the booking panel to equal $120/hour. 🤔

  • edited August 2019

    Do what @Sheena123 recommends and take the remaining amount as PayPal if they aren't extending it by a full hour. Calculate what you need to take out of that as part of your 15% fee, and use the Misc Payment button to pay it. As long as you can account in the messages somewhere that your session cost was this, and your 15% charge was that, and it got paid they will be able to see that you weren't stiffing anybody if they happen to check on your account. I've had to do this once when the session was booked at 12am instead of 12pm, and it automatically cancelled without either of us knowing. As long as they get what they are owed from the confirmed appointment, you should be fine.

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