Higher price=better quality?

I notice prices all over the place. Does a higher price ensure a better session? I'm sure some will say 'of course so' but the cuddlee (the one paying) may not necessarily agree with the cuddler. Does using a 'Pro' ensure a better session? What are the minimum requirements to achieve 'pro status?


  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)
    edited October 2019

    A higher price by no means ensures a better session, and neither does cuddling with a pro.

    Prices vary based on what the individual pro believes their time is worth as well as your usual factors for anything involving money for a service like the pricing of the competition and the location. Some also include things like massages, snacks/drink if you're visiting things to help you relax and make it nicer overall so those factor in too.

    Having a higher price also means they get fewer messages (in theory, not a pro so can't confirm) which can sometimes be a good thing. If you have cuddling as a side gig then it's going to be better for you to have a handful of sessions a week that are more easily organised VS needing to sift through a whole lot of messages for getting more sessions for the same amount of money but costing a lot more time. It also allows them to make those few sessions they do better because they aren't going to be stressed or exhausted from having to visit, talk to and cuddle half a dozen strangers in addition to work and their home life that week.

    You can never garuantee you'll get a better cuddle with someone just because they're a pro but there are two distinct benefits with pros: your chance of getting session is much higher than it would be with an enthusiast, and they're much more likely to have something around to show they're trustworthy/not a secret serial killer (karma, more friends, presence on the forums etc).

    It's pretty easy to become a pro, details can be found here for the requirements:


  • As a pro i got my price by seeing what the average prive in my area was as well as what i felt my time was worth. I also make it a goal to make the cost worth it for them as well. I research forums from pros and critics from enthusiasts to see what is most appreciated and use that to make the best experience i can. I also agree that choosing a pros gives a higher success rate since i personally never say no to someone unless they either break any platonic rules or i feel unsafe meeting them.

  • I believe the pricing of a professional cuddler experience would be purely subjective. I always try and do my best to ensure the other individuals comfort by openly communicating any wants or needs in terms of platonic cuddling before our session begins. I, myself, am a certified cuddle therapist and I've actually spent the time to be trained so I have a level of experience to bring to the table. I've heard mixed reviews from several clients that have had experiences with other professioals who charge a higher price, but sadly the majority of the higher priced professionals seem to add "extra" services which do not abide by community guidelines. It honestly gives us actual certified professionals a bad name because they use it as a means for undercover prostitution.

    I could only assume the experience is also based on chemistry and how well you both communicate too. After all, it is up to the professional to be able to communicate effectively and make the client feel less anxious and not judged for wanting a cuddle session. With a professional you get the unconditional respect and understanding along with professionalism of someone who genuinely cares about the client. Just be careful as to avoid any non platonic situations with the wrong kind of professionals. That is taking advantage and abusing the system. Use your voice and speak up.

    I do agree with @Zundar as well. Great points there!

  • edited October 2019

    I don't equate price for a service with quality , however I do support the right of folks to charge as they see fit , since it is their time, energy , and bodies

  • [Deleted User]MacaronCuddles (deleted user)

    There should be a limit on how much pros charge. $200 for example is too much. I think a good cut off is $120.

  • edited October 2019

    No...higher price does not mean higher quality.
    and the best cuddling I ever had was a non professional who didn't charge me a dime because she wanted to cuddle too!

  • [Deleted User]SoulcuddlerZ (deleted user)

    As it stands right now, professional cuddlers are generally free to charge whatever they see fit provided they meet the minimum charge of $40/hour. If they're charging rates that suggest non-platonic services may be in play, however, then they may be investigated and sanctioned at discretion.

    @CuddlesInParis if you feel that $120 is a good cut-off, then I encourage you to state that as your Max Price in your cuddle searches. Any pro who charges above that for their standard rate will be excluded from results.

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