Fly in the ointment

Please note, this post is primarily directed towards the deep seeded problem with touch hunger vs. anything political. Please try to remember that. πŸ’—

Interesting read. Wanted to share. πŸ™ƒ


  • Wow....this was super profound and true.

  • edited October 2019

    Good article, and I like that it's from a man's point of view.

  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)

    This article resonates in a very real and direct way with why we all choose to be here. All the more special that the gender of the author is a useful voice for the majority of the demographic on this site.

  • Good article. Very well written and makes a profound statement. Thank you for sharing.

  • [Deleted User]del_2019 (deleted user)

    Great article with many excellent points. Thanks for sharing.

  • He cites a lot of examples without providing evidence. And he seems to make a mistake with correlation and causation maybe the most touchy basketball players are already the better basketball players. it would make sense that they would get the most high fives.

  • @btrmc I agree. It is well intentioned but very much every case he did cite is from Psych 101 and stretching the findings to fit his thesis. But it is just a blog and not a deep dive into the science of touch. As such, he is merely stating the obvious to hopefully sway those who deny the obvious.

  • Fabulous article! Thank you for sharing. Here’s to more touching. Soap and sanitizer since it’s flu season.

  • Amazing Article!

  • I really enjoyed reading that, thanks for posting @MissAdventurous

    I'm still in shock from that John B. Watson quote though (and the fact he refers to a child as 'it'). :o

  • You're so welcome @sjb1973 @Anthonyyy @calihiker90 and no kidding right.

  • There can be a difficulty with cause and effect. People who live the longest, celebrate more birthdays ; but having two birthdays each year, might not help.

    A joke went the rounds a few years ago.
    Bill and Hillary Clinton are driving through a city, when she sees a hamburger salesman in a van, and remarks that they had dated at school.
    "If you'd stuck with him", says Bill, "you could have been married to a hamburger salesman".
    "If I'd stuck with him", replies Hillary, "he'd have been the President".

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