Why is the number of blocked users limited?

edited November 2019 in General

I have many reasons for blocking various users over the years, but recently hit a limit and can no longer add to my block list. What purpose does imposing a limit on blocking serve? Commissions you’ve received from me dwarf the meagre additional database storage and CPU load.

This has reduced the usability (and stickiness) of the website for me as I now review some profiles repeatedly only to determine again that they are a poor fit.

Please remove the constraint, @Mark.

Relatedly, I don’t understand why the number of favourites is likewise limited, but at least that surprising constraint doesn’t hamper usability to the same degree.


  • edited November 2019

    It sounds like you're using the Block feature for an unintended purpose. Which is fine but it's the only reason you're actually hitting that cap. The data I see shows it's a tiny number of users that get near this cap and that's because they are using the block feature for alternative purposes. It's therefore not something I personally consider to be a usability concern.

    For example, the search results are not designed to be manipulated by using the block feature. The system isn't setup to handle that in an optimal way. Perhaps in the future we might introduce a feature to hide specific people from search but for now, it's not ideal for us to allow blocking to be used in that way.

    So having a cap mitigates the impact of that unintended usage. Could the search engine be re-coded and optimised in a way that caters for this use case? Sure but it's not currently worth the time because so few individuals use the block feature for unintended purposes. Regardless, I'm sorry this has affected you in how you choose to experience the website.

  • I’m curious as to how the block feature can be used to improve usability. Just wondering

  • As a software professional I can tell you that there will always be a tiny subset of users who think of ways to use your software in ways it wasn't designed to be used.

  • I only use it to organize my visitors list. If each visitor had an x option I would probably never use the block feature.

  • edited November 2019

    @UKGuy Indeed and I also support it which is why I mentioned it was fine.

    As a lifelong Android user, I quite like using a product how I want to use it, not just how a company with a fruit logo wants me to. Whether these companies should utilise resources catering for these fringe alternative uses is a different story, however.

  • edited November 2019

    I’d recommend etching the usernames of those who you’d block into the walls of your home. If you have a ladder, you can utilize the ceiling, too!

    The walls might appear to breathe after a while, though. At least that’s the case with my Lists of the Indicted. Some say that names have power—perhaps the same can be said of usernames? Who knows! But I can see their faces (where applicable), and smell their closely-packed bodies. The condemned make themselves known, somehow, is what I’m getting at. They press upon you like a psychic vice, threatening to crush you into a pulp.

    Good luck!

  • @hogboblin Thank you for that very interesting picture you conjured for me about the walls breathing...

  • Yes , the walls breathing remind me of my teenage years and why one should not use haaluconogens in closed spaces

  • @pmvines lol. The way things have been on the forum lately I wouldn’t use them in here either.

  • [Deleted User]SoftPetals (deleted user)

    @FunCartel Hahahaha I agree. 😆

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