Touch Feeling / Memory Recall

edited November 2019 in General

Our minds are amazingly powerful... and when something happens to us, certain actions or events can trigger the exact same feelings as happened in the original event.

Before I got my own bike, I'd ride with my other half and have my arms around him. (And of course as you're riding, you'd need to lean together and such) but you'd spend the few hour trip close to one another. (We had radios in the helmets, so we could chat with one another... and it's on an adventure bike, so you're sitting up (not leaning forward uncomfortably like a crotch rocket)

When we were stopped at a red light, or just cruising down the highway (and the clutch hand wasn't needed) he would reach beside him and massage my left leg. Would always make me feel very relaxed and comfortable.

It's been years since that, but to this day... if I'm ever having a bad day, or stressed out while I'm riding... I can reach down and massage my left leg, and it'll instantly put me in a better mood, and help me feel more relaxed.

However, I HAVE to be wearing my riding pants (They have this mesh type material on the legs for venting), and wearing my riding gloves (larger fingers). Otherwise it just doesn't feel the same, and doesn't trigger the memory recall.

I'm just curious about others positive platonic events like this in their life... around cuddling, hand holding, touch, etc.
Anyone else have interesting stories like that?


  • My memories of being touched make me feel wistful, missing that sensation all the more, not more relaxed.

  • I tend to recall states of mind when I cuddle. They wash over me in waves. Smell can bring a.person from my past right back into the room almost. But sound does it all, people, places, stories, other sounds, like all at once.

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