What happens when 2 pros cuddle each other?

Do they pay each other?


  • Either a coin toss or Rock/paper/scissors

  • I was thinking the way to get a free cuddling from pros is to become pro yourself. That way you pay the other pro, and the other pro pays you back. Even. You get it free. Will that work?

  • Simple, the universe explodes.

  • Probably business networking at the minimum and friendship at the most. A strange concept, I know.

  • A lot of passive-aggressive threads lately.

  • I’ve cuddled another pro when I first became a pro to get some tips and tricks from her. It was nice and it was good for karma and both of us.

  • @sethryan44 "Simple, the universe explodes." That would have been my guess. No doubt due to a rupture in the space-time continuum.

  • @calineur I was afraid of sounding too obvious. Oh well...

  • [Deleted User]rheaah (deleted user)

    LOL @ everyone responding to the thread. What say you, site mod? Starting to miss free hugs already.

  • They morphe into a Super Pro Cuddler

  • I'll bite.....What does happen when two pros cuddle each other?

  • For one brief moment, capitalism is put on hold for love.

  • i want cuddle right now

  • As long as the site gets two commissions , why not .

  • Whoever makes the request pays, that’s what I was told. I’d love to get a free cuddle from a pro who needs good karma though.

  • ... though yes, it amuses me greatly to think that the universe would explode like a robot trying to think through a logic paradox. Fear the power we wield, mortals...! We could end this whole thing at any time! O.O

  • [Deleted User]rheaah (deleted user)

    laughing @littermate and @Ari90510 :p

  • Isn't life as we know it set to end in 12 years?

  • [Deleted User]rheaah (deleted user)

    @VN6056 - someone mentioned similar back in 2012, that Mayan Calendar thing but it turned out that they simply outlived their calendar. :p

  • @rheaah ABC had a report in 2008-9 that NYC would be under water except the top of the Empire State Building. Due by 2015.

  • I have spoken to a couple of other pro cuddlers and we have discussed potential free cuddling. But I think honestly it depends on the person and the situation. Could be free, could result in payments for one or the other... just depends.

  • Why not just divide by 0 while you are at it?

  • @BrianL You bring math into it it will scare away the liberal arts majors.

  • [Deleted User]rheaah (deleted user)

    @FunCartel Nothing can be divided by 0 LOL!

  • [Deleted User]rheaah (deleted user)

    @MiaSesh sounds like a plan.

  • They do what my brother and I do with birthdays and Christmas. We realized it is silly for me to give him a gift card, then he gives me a gift card, and the two essentially cancel each other out. So now we don't get each other anything. I would imagine if a pro pays a pro who then pays that pro then it would cancel the other out, pending that they both charge the same rate or happen to agree upon the same fixed rate for each other.

  • I imagine female pros often get together to peer review each other’s techniques. No money is exchanged.

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