Record for the longest delay in response by a pro cuddler

Ok so I messaged this pro cuddler back in May 2018. and we still haven't been able to set up a cuddle session.
Why? because I sent her a message in January 2019 and she responded in that's about 9+ months to respond to a message, and it was a one-liner too. then after that she took 3 weeks to respond to the next message! :)
People are so can you be a pro cuddler and take that long to respond to messages about a cuddle session?


  • @melancholy I think she was building up the anticipation.

  • @melancholy, yes that is pretty sad. No matter how enticing her profile appears, actions speak louder than words. I would definitely pass on her and move on. Not worth any further time or effort, it appears to be a waste. But yes, shaking my head, wondering how she can be a Pro, with that lack of urgency in responding. Yes, very strange and odd!

  • edited November 2019

    @dharma1257 and @melancholy Yes it is sad but it is probably a pro that treats cuddling as a side gig and does it when she needs some fast cash. I have noticed that with those types of pros. They will ask me when I would like to get together when I am in Anytown USA when the dates were provided in my initial message. You have to wonder if these types A) even read your messages; B are platonic or C) are even any good at what they do. You might have dodged a bullet with her.

  • Just saying, @FunCartel has a point. I remember during the first 4 years I was a pro cuddler, I really only did so for very short bursts of time, then I would go on a hiatus. I think it would be great if there was a simple way to let people know that you're gonna be gone for a while without deactivating. I guess they could write it on their profile?

  • I’m on this site so many times a day every day. I love talking with new people and messaging every single one that sends a message. Unless of course you say something derogatory towards me 😐

    Every person is different though. I agree with @ronniedarling. For those that have long lapses of time where they aren’t on, they should write that on their profile. Some people unfortunately take the ignored message to heart and think something is wrong with themselves or they get upset at the pro. A simple message could save a little bit of heartbreak I think.

  • @Sheena123 Thanks for your response! Yes, please don't take it to heart, sometimes people have things happen in their lives, please don't feel like it's personal! :)

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